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他还垄断了盐的销售He sells the monopoly on salt.

将价格设定在垄断价格Pricing at the monopoly price.

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但我们脑子里没有垄断。But we have no monopoly on brains.

彼得大帝不仅垄断了掷骰赌博So, the monopoly on dice he sells.

玩他数小时以上的大富翁游戏。Play an hours-long game of Monopoly.

垄断和收入同流合污了。Monopoly and revenue streams all in one.

很多地方都实行这种盐类垄断That monopoly is sold in various places.

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玩‘大富翁’游戏是在浪费时间。You're wasting your time playing Monopoly.

垄断的意思是没门儿进来,没有第二个竞争者。A monopoly means no way in, no second player.

行业利润比垄断条件下的利润少Industry profits would be less than monopoly.

我们就能解出垄断价格是什么We would solve out what the monopoly price is.

这与垄断产量相比有何不同呢How does that compare to the monopoly quantity?

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他真以为唯有他明事理。He really thinks he has a monopoly on the truth.

贵族们试图独占政权。Patricians tried to set up a political monopoly.

“它们在每一个部门都拥有自然垄断实力”。They have natural monopoly powers in each sector.

但大垄断资本家不愿意要和平。But the big monopoly capitalists do not want peace.

举个例子,你可以从下图中看到它的典型应用-大富翁。For instance, you can see Monopoly in action below.

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在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品。In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly.

五个玩棋牌游戏的孩子总是以眼泪汪汪告终的。Five children playing Monopoly always ended in tears.

苹果完全理解垄断定价的力量。Apple fully understands the power of monopoly pricing.