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他好像对人爱搭不理的。He appears offhand with people.

他似乎对人爱搭不睬的。He appears offhand with people.

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我不能随便答复你的要求。I can't answer your request offhand.

这话是用一种相当随便的态度说出来的。It was said in a rather offhand manner.

他对维多利亚变得越来越简慢。He became increasingly offhand with Victoria.

问题在于,我一个都不知道,随便吧。Problem is that I don't know of one, offhand.

而我对这一切就是那么随便,懒惰,毫不在意。I simply had been too offhand about it, lazy, too unconcerned.

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我一下子想不出哪一首诗的诗句是如此的美丽而有力。Offhand I know no lines, in any poem, as beautiful and as powerful.

他是个很好的推销员,可他那随便的举止容易使人反感。He's a good salesman,but his offhand manner tends to put people off.

“昨晚我在雪利餐厅”随意的魏克德说。"I was in Sherry's restaurant last night, " said the offhand Wickert.

于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.

双持时使用旋风现在主手和副手武器都能产生伤害。Using whirlwind while dual wielding now deals damage from both mainhand and offhand weapons.

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当时我也在家,被这个突然的消息唤醒——“你父亲已经昏迷了。”I was staying over and was woken with the strangely offhand news that “your father’s in a coma”.

这一切都是在不加思索的情况下发生的,一个很有经验的家伙。The lieutenant shoots the other one too. That offhand. An experienced guy. We were scared to death.

一系列跟后续专利相关的过于随便的“平板电脑”随之出现,但都没有多少份量。A flurry of offhand "tablet" shout-outs in tangentially related patents followed, but none carried much weight.

你是否注意到琼斯有事相求时总是十分亲昵,可是没事求人时便简慢无礼?Have you noticed that jones is always hail-fellow-well-met when he wants something but offhand when he doesn't?

在他生命的最后时刻,牛顿在一个信封的背面做了一个临时计算,将日期定在了2060年。Near the end of his life, in an offhand calculation written on the back of an envelope, he suggested the year 2060.

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在他生命的最后时刻,牛顿在一个信封的背面做了一个临时计算,将日期定在了2060年。Near the end of his life, in an offhand calculation written on the back of an envelope, he suggested the year 2060.

甚至有可能这些事是你觉得人不可能靠这个谋生而不屑一顾的。It might even be something that you dismissed offhand because you thought it wasn’t possible to make a living doing that.

如果你不能迅速想到美国产品取代进口货的方法,那可能是因为你真的知之甚少。If you can’t think offhand of ways U.S. production might replace imports, that’s probably because you just don’t know enough.