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当我被哈佛大学拒绝时,我失望极了。It was a big letdown when I was not accepted by Harvard university.

有人告诉我说我的朋友乔说我的坏话,这可真令我失望。I was told my friend Joe was speaking ill of me. That's a real letdown.

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最令股市失望的是一系列不如人意的经济数据。The biggest letdown for the stock market was a string of economic disappointments.

对于年轻的步兵,和平,单调生活的巡逻基地可以成为大失所望。For young infantrymen , the peaceful, monotonous life on the patrol base can be a letdown.

在我们犯错误之前,我们对自己有点不自信从而产生了松劲的情绪。When we made mistakes before, we kind of felt sorry for ourselves and had a little letdown.

你可能开始觉得你以为想和他一起的那个人有点让你失望。You are likely to realize that someone you thought you wanted to be with is a bit of a letdown.

操作方式和关卡设计非常棒,但是游戏最大的短板在于战斗过程。The controls and level design are excellent, but the game's biggest letdown is the fighting mechanics.

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因此,这些压力必须经过天然气输送网络中的上百个减压站释放出来。Instead, the pressure must be released at hundreds of sites across the supply network known as letdown stations.

当你发现你现任男友的JJ比你前任男友的要小80倍,这的确令人失望。It can be a letdown when you discover that your current beau's package seems, oh, about 80 times smaller than your ex's.

下泄热交换器将流体的温度降到合适的定值,这个温度下,净化床工作允许。The letdown heat exchanger reduces letdown fluid temperature to a value that is compatible with the ion exchanger resin.

含有二异丙胺的废水直接排放不仅污染环境,还易引起燃烧和爆炸。The letdown of waste water with 2-iso- triamine not only pollute environment, but also easily cause burning and explosion.

容控箱收集净化、过滤后的下泄流,同时它给上充泵提供净正吸入压头。The volume control tank collects the purified, filtered letdown fluid and provides a suction reservoir and head for the charging pumps.

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结论老年人增龄性功能减退,提示社区开展老年康复以及建立社区护理队伍的紧迫性。CONCLUSION Going with aged, the function is letdown. It is necessary to develop the agedness healing and establish community nurse troop.

他说2OC公司正与两家对在英国减压站附近选址建造计算机数据中心感兴趣的公司开展洽谈,因为计算机运行需要大量的冷却。He says 2OC is in talks with two companies that are interested in siting computer data centres, which require massive cooling, near UK letdown stations.

我采访的几个女性称,当事情的结果不像她们计划的那样时,她们会感到极其失望。Several of the women I interviewed said themselves that this contributed to the huge feeling of letdown when things did not turn out as they had planned.

这款来自日本最北端的岛屿北海道的汉堡里有土豆泥和培根,加上了许多配料,然而味道还是不尽人意。This burger topped with mashed potatoes and bacon, made with many ingredients from Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island, was also a letdown for McGowan.

妈妈的喷乳反射太强了,当宝宝无法应付大量喷进他嘴里的乳汁的时候,他就会噎住、窒息和喷出。The mother's letdown reflex may be so forceful that the baby chokes , gags and sputters as he struggles with the jet of milk that sprays too quickly into his mouth.

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阿民在今晚表现的就像以前一样突出也顺利带领球队以9-2击败水手,也让一些怀疑他在红袜的系列赛前状况已经走下坡的谣言不攻自破。Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the Yankees beat the Mariners, 9-2, to squelch any talk of a post-Red Sox series letdown.

影片有15分钟左右的时间是在模仿一些我最喜欢的电影,这不免有些令人失望,不过总体它还是一部可爱的电影。As thoroughly lovable as the movie is, most of the running time is a crushing letdown because it follows about 15 minutes of some of the finest filmmaking I’ve seen in my life.

虽然后备箱很大,但后盖较小,使得大物件很难甚至不可能装卸,在实用性方面令人失望。Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.