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我会假装相信你。I feign , I shall believe!

有些动物在危险时装死。Some animals feign death when in danger.

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假死是受到伤害减少效果移除。Damage reduction while feign death removed.

事实上,许多人假装热爱生命,进而逃避爱之本身。Many, in fact, feign love of life to evade love itself.

吾推祭祖,与夫人同走。I will feign to offer a sacrifice and leave with my wife.

当你找一些暴民在你刚刚贯穿和佯死。When you get some mobs on you, just run through and feign death.

我们以前至少可以假装面对面地“交流”。We used to be able, at least, to feign "communication" face-to-face.

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他们可能会假装害羞,但他心里一定会感到温暖和幸福的。Your man may feign embarrassment, but he’ll be warm and happy on the inside.

强化假死改名为生存计谋,从第4层移动到第3层。Improved Feign Death renamed to Survival tactics and moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3.

并且实际上,在经过若干时间后,受害者被迫违反他的原始的人格,做出稍微的假死。And indeed, after some time the victim is forced in some sort of feign death reflex concerning his original personality.

他的眼眸蓝如夏日晴空,泄露了他对朋友们的深情厚意,尽管有时他试图装出一副冷淡的样子。His eyes, blue as the summer sky, gave away his fierce devotion to his friends, even when he tried to feign nonchalance.

他们放弃追逐欲望,并藉此希望着,当一切实现之后能够获得单纯的惊喜。They are abdicating responsibility for their desires in the hope that they can then feign innocent surprise when they get what they are after.

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千万别伪装你的感情,也不要冷嘲爱情,尽管有乏味和失望时候,爱这感觉就有如顽强的野草生生不息。Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

也许他可以慢慢来,然后等到了里斯本机场时假装不知道签证期限,他打算从那里飞回家。Perhaps he could take his time, then feign ignorance about the visa situation when he reached Lisbon airport from where he was planning to fly home.

黄仁杰决心为妻子报仇,于是佯装举办画展,引诱陈在清和马少强再次露面。Huang Renjie is determined to revenge for the wife, then feign outfit holds art exhibition, the Chen Zaiqing that entice and Ma Shaojiang appear again.

在他玩游戏是的时候,我就像个忠实的观众,看着他装死,拿到新武器然后不停的挑战难关,然后离满级越来越近。I was a spectator as he progressed, learning to feign death, earning new weapons, and taking on greater challenges as he got closer and closer to the level cap.

严抓质量,重视管理,服务全面,产品造型独特新颖,则是我公司打开并深入国内外市场的坚强后盾。High quality, attention to management, top service comprehensive unique novelty products, it is our company the depth of domestic feign markets open strong backing.

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含佯谬回归系数的回归模型未必都不科学,在某些特定条件下,有些含佯谬系数的回归预测模型可科学合理地反映研究对象的客观变化规律。Under given conditions, the some regression forecasting models of containing feign mistake regression coefficient, exactly correspond to the objective law of the target of study.

赵传奇告诉他为了掩人耳目弟兄都是假死,他们都已经回归到八路军的队伍了,辛平贵这才反应过来,这是赵传奇在一步步的分散走他的弟兄们。Zhao Chuanqi told him to cover up the brothers, they have to feign death, return to the Eight Route Army team, Xin Ping GUI just react, this is Zhao Chuanqi in dispersion step by step his brothers.