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汤姆抱着一捆书。Tom is carrying an armful of books.

她带着满抱的小包离开了商店。She left the shop with an armful of parcels.

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克莱尔抱着一堆马尼拉纤维进来。Clare comes in carrying an armful of abacafiber.

不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑容地回来了。Later he returned with an armful of books and grin.

他捧着一大抱革命文献。He carried with him an armful of revolutionary literature.

他摸索着抱了一捧柴,匆匆回到屋里。He groped for an armful of wood and hastened back into the room.

安妮刚刚抱着一捧花走进厨房,她也看到了马修的脸。Anne, who was bringing an armful of flowers into the kitchen, saw his face too.

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这样你会感觉更好、更轻松,同时,你生活的行李箱也会腾出更多的空间。You'll feel better, feel lighter, and you'll have armful more room in your suitcase.

他坚守着他的目标,直到成功收集了一抱木柴。He persevered with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.

他们从一开始就把其拥有的商业秘密应用到天瑞公司商业中。They came with an armful of trade secrets that allowed Tianrui to muscle into the business.

最后,琳达去了三间不同的药店,买回一堆验孕工具。Finally, Linda went to three separatedrugstores and came back with an armful of pregnancy tests.

最后,琳达分别去了三家不同的药店,买了一大堆验孕的东西回来。Finally, Linda went to three separated rug stores and came back with an armful of pregnancy tests.

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我现在跨着一辆由几根竹子制成的自行车,准备融入高峰时的车流之中。I'm standing astride a bike crafted from an armful of bamboo cane, about to push out into rush-hour traffic.

艾玛的手里还抱着一堆书,也表明新学期开始她将会忙于学业。Watson also clutched an armful of books and revealed she will be 'busy studying' as she embarks on the new term.

数天前我看见伊希丝抱著一堆新衣,各种牌子应有尽有,可能她打算为衣柜添置衣服吧。I saw Isis the other day with an armful of new clothes of all makes, perhaps she was going to replenish his wardrobe.

妈妈手臂上抱着从鸡窝里救出的受了惊的小鸡,爸爸抱着一只刚出生的小羊。Mother had an armful of frightened chicks she'd rescued from the henhouse. Dad was carrying a newborn lamb in his arms.

不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑容地回来了,“我不会让一个疯女人和一条狗把我赶出家门,”他说。Later he returned with an armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home, " he said.

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屋子里,K把满怀的湿衣服扔进客厅然后拿起手机打给好友。Inside the house, K. dropped the armful of damp clothes on the living room couch and picked up her handphone to call her best friends.

他们和我是如此熟悉以至于最终有一只落在我正抱回屋的一抱柴上,毫不害怕地啄起了那些柴棍儿。They were so familiar that at length one alighted on an armful of wood which I was carrying in, and pecked at the sticks without fear.

扔下那些装满怒气和怨恨的行李箱吧。这样你会感觉更好、更轻松,同时,你生活的行李箱也会腾出更多的空间。Get rid of the suitcase filled with anger and resentment. You'll feel better, feel lighter, and you'll have armful more room in your suitcase.