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一毫伏是一伏的千分之一。A millivolt is one-thousandth of a volt.

测量热电偶的毫伏输出。Measure the thermocouple's millivolt output.

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如果伏特这个单位过大,我们就用毫伏或微伏。Where the volt is too large a unit, we use the millivolt or microvolt.

在目前这个设计中,阶跃输入信号限制在零点几毫伏以下。In the present design, step inputs are restricted to a few tenths of millivolt.

研究还表明SD的特点是一种缓慢波动的毫伏级信号。The research also indicates that SD is millivolt voltage signal with slow variation.

在燃气加热安装系统的自激控制电路中,整个标准开关适用于毫伏电压。Standard switch entirely suitable for millivolt service on self-energized control circuits of gas fired heating installations.

任何标准的毫伏记录器都可以定量和显示双向、稳态和瞬时的热量流动。Bi-directional, steady-state, and transient heat flow may be sensed quantitatively and displayed upon any standard millivolt recorder.

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Plessey将EPIC电位集成电路描述成一个本质上非常敏感的非接触式数字电压表,它可以测量到电场中的毫伏变化。Plessey describes EPIC as essentially a very sensitive, contactless digital voltmeter capable of measuring millivolt changes in electric fields.

直流毫伏表是针对毫伏级微小信号的精确测量,应用于实验检测、生产检测及维修使用等。DC millivolt millivolt level table for the accurate measurement of small signals, Used in experimental testing, production testing and maintenance of the use of.

本文根据光电直读光谱仪日常操作经验,提出了光谱仪光强值下降的几个因素和解决的办法。Based on the daily experiences, several factors about the decrease of spectrometric millivolt values were studied, and several ways for solving this problem were also suggested.

直流毫伏表是常用的测量仪器,采用数字方式可以使操控更直观,而且反应速度快,是理想的毫伏范围测量工具。DC millivolt table is commonly used measuring instruments, the use of digital manipulation can make a more intuitive, and fast response, is an ideal measurement tool millivolt range.

其中,直流毫伏表常被用在实验检测中,用来测量热电偶、热电阻等敏感元件的小信号的检测。Among them, the DC millivolt table testing is often used in the experiment, the thermocouples used to measure the thermal resistance of such sensitive components of the small-signal detection.