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为什么存在二进制不兼容性?Why is there binary incompatibility?

不同建模语言之间的不兼容性。Incompatibility among modeling languages.

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性的不亲合性在苹果中很普遍。Sexual incompatibility is wide-spread in the apple.

这种性态度的不一致可能对你的恋情产生实实在在的影响。Sexual incompatibility can have a real impact on your relationship.

建模语言的不兼容性很自然地会带来不佳的通讯。Modeling language incompatibility naturally causes poor communication.

战时与和平时期的生活有着根本上的不相容性。There's a radical incompatibility between wartime and peacetime existence.

主版本号表明程序库版本之间的潜在不兼容性。A major number indicates a potential incompatibility between library versions.

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另外一个问题,和命名混乱相关,和编译器的不兼容性。Another issue, related to name mangling, is incompatibility between compilers.

这就消除了产品之间的很多不兼容问题。This eliminates many of the incompatibility problems that occur between products.

以上的观点是,自由和被决定,这两者是不相容的The thought is that, there's a kind of incompatibility with being free and being determined.

刺探出原始的畏惧感,触发了一种互不相容、排他的焦虑感。elicit primal fears, activating anxiety-provoking feelings of incompatibility and exclusion.

文化的不相容性是导致并购失败的关键因素之一。Cultural incompatibility is one of the critical factors which lead to the acquisition failure.

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蛋白质与多糖类在水溶液中表现出热力学相容性及不相容性。Interaction between proteins and polysaccharides might result in compatibility or incompatibility.

兼容性向导程序会处理相应的应用程序不兼容问题。The Program Compatibility Wizard deals with similar issues related to application incompatibility.

应该引入标准化编程模型来避免技术不兼容性问题。A standardized programming model should be introduced to avoid technology incompatibility problems.

我们从根本上不相容,有时几乎到了类似化学反应中的互相排斥的程度。There was a fundamental incompatibility between us that amounted at times almost to chemical repulsion.

有病〞指的就是这些因为人造物的介入,而发生在人类内心的不协调。"Sick" refers to the incompatibility at heart, which is caused by bringing in artificialities in our life.

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隐私导致互不相容,因为它代表了一部分生活禁止别人入内。Privacy breeds incompatibility because it represents a part of your life that is off limits to accommodation.

很多年前,有一个组合因为成员间的不合引发厮打而解散。There was a group, many years ago, broke up because of the incompatibility between members which led a fight.

婚姻咨询产业已经独立地存在,并对基本的人类矛盾提供解决方案。The industry of Marriage Counseling exists solely to provide work-around solutions to basic human incompatibility.