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我们在后院有一个魔法雪堆。We have a magic snowbank in our backyard.

在后院我们有一个神奇的雪花银行。We have a magic snowbank in our backyard.

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现在就看魔法雪堆的本事了,”他说道。It's up to the magic snowbank now," he'd say.

我们的雪球是魔法雪堆的种子。Our snowballs were the seeds for the magic snowbank.

因为它们是有魔力的,是神奇的雪花银行所需要的种子。Our snowballs were the seeds for the magic snowbank.

然后,他开始告诉我们神奇的雪银行的重要性。Then, Papa would start talking about the importance of the magic snowbank.

路边的雪墙挡住了刺骨的寒风。The snowbank at the side of the road provided a shelter from the piercing wind.

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奥利里之后发现雪佛兰停在洗车店外的雪堆里,并未受损。O'Leary later discovered the Chevy, undamaged, on a snowbank outside the car wash.

一个男孩跌跌撞撞地走下了校车,踉跄着摔倒在路边的雪堆上。A boy staggered out of the bus, stumbled, and collapsed on the snowbank at the curb.

爷爷铲起我们从洞里挖出的土,盖住我们的魔法雪堆。Papa would cover our magic snowbank with the dirt that we'd shoveled out of the hole.

第一场雪使我们想起了爷爷,第一次霜降和我们深埋在土里的魔法雪堆。The first snow reminded us of Papa, the first frost and our magic snowbank deep within the earth.

在这对夫妇猛烈撞击了一个雪堤后,交配出一只从受伤中复原的雌鸟。A mating dance has a female bird recovering from injuries after the couple slammed into a snowbank.

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她的魔法意外地击中了安娜的脑袋。安娜摔下雪堆,掉在地上,不省人事。Her magic accidentally STRIKES Anna in the head. Anna tumbles down a snowbank and lands, unconscious.

“好了,孩子们,在早霜的今天,我们已经‘种’下了我们的魔法雪球。现在就看魔法雪堆的本事了,”他说道。"Well, we've planted our magic snowballs on the day of the first frost, kids. It's up to the magic snowbank now," he'd say.

十分钟后,母亲走过街道,和他一起坐在雪堤上,此时,他那蜷缩着的身子已披上了一层雪。The huddled figure was already dusted with white when Mother walked across the street 10 minutes later and sat down beside him on the snowbank.

“我哥哥梅里特的儿子。”霍斯汀·弗雷将尸体放到高台下的地板上。“猪一样的被宰了然后推下了雪堤。他只是个男孩。”"My brother Merrett's son. " Hosteen Frey lowered the body to the floor before the dais. "Butchered like a hog and shoved beneath a snowbank. A boy. "

爷爷告诉我们,有些人相信,如果你想过一个多雪的冬天,你就得在冬天以前先存一点雪,放入魔法雪堆中。He would tell us how some folks believed that if you wanted a good snowy winter, you always had to save a little snow from the winter before and put it into the magic snowbank.

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其结果是葡萄糖和脂肪中的能量以热能的形式丢失,就像是汽车陷入雪堆里轮胎打滑时发动机的热损失。The result is that the energy in the glucose and fat is lost as heat, the way the work of a car engine is lost as heat if the car is stuck in a snowbank with its tires spinning.

这个2011年2月1日的照片显示的汽车垂直降落后,93号州际公路上的车辆事故多到斯诺在一项塞勒姆雪灾北部,新罕布什尔州没有人受伤。This Feb. 1, 2011 photo shows a car that landed vertically into a snowbank after a multiple vehicle accident on Interstate 93 during a snow storm north of Salem, NH No one was injured.

同时,气候变暖导致自由水活动在时间和空间上的加强促进了以自由水为基础的土壤过程和冰缘地貌过程,对南极海洋性气候区土壤发生、发育产生深刻影响。First of all, retreat of glaciers and shrink of perennial snowbank induced by climate warming provide parent materials and spatial room for soil formation and development in the maritime Antarctica.