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难道我们理应蜷伏在他们的墓穴上。And shall we crouch above these graves.

弯下你的头颈去接受人们的救济。Crouch low thy neck to eleemosynary gifts.

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蜷缩是个好姿势,像个寂寞的乖孩子。Crouch is a good posture, like a lonely child.

防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的三柱门周围。The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.

“呜呜,痛!”小狐狸显然无法蹲住。"Blare, pain! "The small fox apparently can not crouch down.

多伊尔蹲下来,通过信箱仔细往里看。Doyle dropped to a crouch and peered in through the letterbox.

我们也可以看到芙蓉、塞德里克和巴蒂·克劳奇。Fleur , Cedric, and Barty Crouch can be seen in the background.

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与此同时,在没有暖气的书房里,我只能就着一杯茶取暖。Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.

蹲便器改坐便器,受排水孔限制。Crouch implement change sit implement, accept osculum restriction.

不再迫使射手蜷缩在一起,并停止移动时使用。No longer forces the Marksman to crouch and stop moving when used.

如果美苏开始相互核攻击,孩子们就要蹲到课桌下面。If a nuclear exchange began, children were to crouch beneath their desks.

蹲在厕所也想你,因此发个短消息。Crouch in the toilet to also think you, because this sends a short message.

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我们最后一次看到活点地图,是在小巴蒂•克劳奇乔装穆迪的时候。The last we saw of it, Barty Crouch Jr. had taken it in the guise of Moody.

他蹲如公狮,卧如母狮,谁敢惹他,凡给你祝福的,愿他蒙福。Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness-who dares to rouse them?

可是我现在居然还蹲坐在笔记本前,敲打我的周记来实现孩子的爹的理念。But now I crouch before a notebook and type weekly diary to achieve Daddy's ideas.

马里奥从此可以匍匐着把四肢收进壳里,滑行前进。Mario could crouch down, tuck his limbs into his shell and slide across the screen.

他费了很长时间才从山上爬下来,蹲到一棵矮小的棕榈树后面。It took him a long time to reach the bottom and to crouch behind a little dwarf palm.

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克劳其和库伊特的进球对他们自己也是一种激励,这两个孩子都非常努力。It was good for Crouch and Kuyt to score and they both worked very hard for the team.

他将在“哈利波特也火焰杯”中出演小巴蒂·克劳奇一角。He will play Barty Crouch Jr. in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film.

他们正在争取中场组织者莫德里奇和前锋克劳奇的恢复。They are also sweating on the fitness of playmaker Luka Modric and striker Peter Crouch.