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一套公寓?An apartment?

一套公寓?为什么?AAn apartment? Why?

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有两间卧室的公寓。A two-bedroom apartment.

房间是空的。The apartment was empty.

什么?胶囊公寓?What? Capsule Apartment?

台北市精致租屋服务。Taipei apartment for rent.

不要降低你的地位。Don't abase your apartment.

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你的公寓有家的感觉。Your apartment feels homey.

安住在那栋公寓大楼里。Ann lives in that apartment.

我需要一个宽敞的房子.I need a spacious apartment.

那个房子里有家具吗?Is that apartment furnished?

她的公寓房间洁净无垢。Her apartment was immaculate.

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我的公寓只有七坪。My apartment is only 7 pings.

他在住宅区租了一间公寓。He rented an apartment uptown.

我拥有我的公寓在汉阳。I own my apartment in hanyang.

你不能把这套公寓转租给他人。You can't sublet the apartment.

我住四房的公寓。I live in a four-room apartment.

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他们搬进一套新单元房。They moved into a new apartment.

我住在一套有三个房间的公寓里。I live in a three-room apartment.

我想要三居室的。I want a three-bedroom apartment.