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易咀嚼的和有嚼劲的。crunchy and chewy.

嚼咬新鲜爽脆的胡萝卜。Chew on a crisp crunchy carrot.

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再过一天这个巴鲁特就会变松脆。Another day and this one would be crunchy.

放在卧室里的衣服都冻得硬邦邦的。Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

绵滑的蛋黄配以香脆的椰丝。Creamy egg yolk with crunchy shredded coconut.

给他们一个单词“爽脆”,就会看到他们行动。Give them the word "crunchy" and watch them go.

它们吃起来脆爽带浓浓的草香。They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass.

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我听到,你知道,听到很脆的声音。I heard, you know, kind of a squishy, crunchy pop.

炸蝎子口感酥脆,尝起来像鱼干。Scorpion is very crunchy and tastes like dried fish.

加了核桃的咖啡曲奇,味道不太甜,但非常松脆。Coffee cookie with walnut, not too sweet, very crunchy.

面包皮应该非常酥脆,但是不会嘎吱作响或太硬。It should be extremely crisp, but not crunchy or tough.

他们易嚼,味道也不错,也富含脂肪,纤维和蛋白质。They're crunchy and interesting and full of fat, fiber and protein.

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蛋糕中夹着一层层自制的摩卡和鲜脆的加州核桃。Layered with home-cooked mocha and lots of crunchy Californian walnuts.

话说回来,我也喜欢可爱的小黄瓜和鲜脆的生菜。But then again I like the lovely gherkins and the crisp crunchy lettuce.

彭彭,我的胖朋友,脆脆的一个做才的叫餐。Pumpaa, my corpulent compadre , it's the crunchy ones that make the meal.

粟米条,炸薯条,越做得好的越好。和曲奇饼!Crunchy Cheetos. French fries, the more well done, the better. And a cookie.

这个芭斯罗缤美味且香脆的口味有着一个很有趣的名字!HOKEY POKEYA funny name for this delicious and crunchy Baskin-Robbins flavor!

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那里有高大的竹子,头顶横着棕榈树枝,脚下落叶咯吱作响。There are huge bamboos, palm tree branches overhead, crunchy leaves underfoot.

浓郁的巧克力布丁,脆酥饼底,配上新鲜奶油。Rich chocolate pudding, crunchy shortbread crust, topped with fresh whip cream.

蛋白软绵绵,和爽口的甘笋西芹很夹。Egg white taste very soft, while carrot and celery are still crunchy . Good mix.