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人生第一次我的生活有了规律。First time, my life goes in orderliness.

她有条不紊,一定受过良好的训练。She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness.

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条理性就是井然有序,生活和谐。Orderliness is being neat and living with a sense of harmony.

咱们能够让你用这个房间,但你要保持房间整洁。We can whichleow you to use that room, but you will hold it orderliness.

整体冲压,热处理,刃口特殊处理,剪切锋利,剪口整齐。Whole Stamping, heat treatment, blade special make, tartness and orderliness.

保持工作场地的整齐整洁。Maintain the working area in good condition in terms of neatness & orderliness.

日本公众的淡定与秩序给整个世界留下深刻印象。And the stoicism and orderliness of the Japanese public impressed the entire world.

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她做饭时的那种精准和自信,以及麻利而有条不紊的动作总是让我惊叹不已。I was always impressed by her precision, confidence, economy of motion and orderliness.

诗人情感恒定的秩序性和完整性,是其创作的一大显著特征。The orderliness and integrity of her stable emotions are the remarkable features of her composing.

它准确有力地论述了从人类行为的逻辑发展出来的社会现实规律。It faithfully captures the elegant orderliness of social reality that grows out of the logic of human action.

各林型枯枝落叶层的持水量呈现出明显的针叶林大于阔叶林的规律。The orderliness of forest litter's capability in holding water is the conifer higher than the broad-leaved trees.

在很多的展示中有很多奇特的整齐,尤其是他们设计的轿车。There was, indeed, an odd orderliness about many of the presentations, not least in the way they dealt with cars.

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方形外框搭配圆形勾,闪亮的金属搭配黑色的手柄,方正中见活泼。Quadrate frame with inside round cleek and shining metal against black handle display vivid among the orderliness.

和谐思维表达的是一种思维方式,并具有多样性、层次性、有序性、相对性等特征。Harmonious thinking is a mode of thinking with characteristics of diversity, hierarchy, orderliness and relativity.

这样的布局使内部空间井然有序,并且当他们拿起书本时,能给客户带来惊喜。This setting brings orderliness to inner space, provides the customers surprises when they pick up one book as well.

灾害中止社会生活的和平进程、瓦解社会秩序的正常运转。Calamity use to discontinue the peace process of social life and disorganize the normal movement of social orderliness.

塞巴斯蒂安在无路可走的时候选择了一扇开着的窗户,这样做带有一种疯狂和可爱的有条不紊的风度。There was also a kind of insane and endearing orderliness about Sebastian's choice, in his extremity, of an open window.

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有人总是担心市场的杂和乱,觉得要统一,要整齐,要有一致的看法,我的观点正好相反。Some people always fear the market is in disorder and needs unity, orderliness and consistency. But I hold the opposite view.

“人们不停地说着秩序,”Feinberg说,“人们运用了小学里学到的火灾避难训练的知识。"People kept talking about the orderliness of it all, " says Feinberg. "People used what they had learned in grade-school fire drills.

室内设计的根本目的是于混乱中创造一种秩序性,这种秩序性使我们的生活舒适、安全。The essential order for interior design is to create orderliness from disorder. This orderliness can make us more comfortable and safer.