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这他妈的是怎么回事?What is this shite?

因为我们前锋是陀屎。Because our strikers are shite.

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蓝天上的白云是你。The shite clouds in the sky are you.

我们英国人认为这是因为德国的电视节目实在太烂了。We English are of the opinion that it’s because German TV is shite.

我感觉你好像给了我一条有关修道士的假消息。I have a feeling you've been feeding me a line of shite about the Monk.

配这件衣服,你的白色钻石项链非常合适。With that dress I'd say your shite diamond necklace would look perfect.

我可以用剩下的钱升级或者买些这车缺了的东西啊…I can use the money saved to upgrade it or buy something shite for the missus.

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你怎么认为就这样空等贩毒的人就会拿出一个装满毒品的避孕套?How does it feel to wait around for a mule to shite out a condom full of drugs?

看起来比美国版本的有意思多了,美国版简直是垃圾。Already looks far more interesting than theAmerican version, which is utter shite.

美国对这股强大的武装力量很感兴趣,现在伊拉克的主要什叶派教徒已经产生了日益严重的危机感。With the American enthusiastic about this great force, the majority Shite population in the country is becoming increasingly alarmed.

本文提出利用衍射光栅的反射特性,在自光图像处理系统中对光栅进行实时无损伤检验。In this paper, a real-time non-destructive method is proposed for testing grating quality in the shite light processing system by using the reflective property of grating.

这并不能让人忽视掉那些证据慢慢的暴行,但是很多国家在这方面都是一样的,而它确实展现了一个越来越成熟的形象——虽然有些食物简直是垃圾。That's not to ignore well evidenced abuses, but plenty of countries are the same in that respect, but it does display a newly strengthened maturity- even if some of the food is indeed shite.