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他们把车往山下开。They ran the car downhill.

还要避免快速下坡跑步。Also shun fast downhill running.

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剩下的路都是下坡路。The rest of the way is downhill.

这之后,就常常是走下坡路了。After that, it is often downhill.

她骑着自行车从坡上滑下来。She coasted downhill on the bicycle.

高山滑雪是一项刺激的运动。Downhill skiing is an exciting sport.

你从山上往下滑雪时,要屈着膝。Bend at the knee when you ski downhill.

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他失去平衡,滚下了山坡。He lost his balance and rolled downhill.

和最刺激的滑降坡的所在地。And exciting downhill slops in the world.

嗜酒者的健康状况迅速下降。The alcoholic's health went downhill fast.

之后,这些努力就开始走下坡路。But then these efforts began to go downhill.

马车继续向山下的路卡驶去。The cart moved on downhill to the toll-gate.

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那位所谓提电影皇后现已在走下坡路了。The so-called movie queen is going downhill.

这之后,对我来说,课程的事降到了谷底。After that, for me, the course went downhill.

自那以后可怜的菲洛的生活每况愈下。Life went downhill for poor Philo after that.

她滑雪下山时曲膝下蹲。She bent at the knee when she skied downhill.

5月11日,一个布隆迪骑车人踩着脚踏冲坡。A Burundian cyclist pedals downhill on May 11.

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你每次都参加北美的奥运会速降滑雪吗?Skied every Olympic downhill in North America?

相信我,过了三十多,一切都开始走下坡了。Believe me, after age thirty it's all downhill.

大草坪下坡还有一座小小的山神土地庙。Lawn downhill there is a small mountain god tei miu.