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他是一个酒鬼。Crane was an alcoholic.

米-10就是一架飞行的起重机。The Mi-10 is a flying crane.

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在这之后,起重机产生了。After that, you have a crane.

吊车发出隆隆的响声。The crane made rumbling sound.

门机轨道梁的设计。The design of crane rail beam.

轮胎式起重机是起重机的一种类型。Tire crane is a type of crane.

乔纳森·克莱恩医生蝙蝠侠。Dr. Jonathan Crane The Bat-man.

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单梁起重机是桥式起重机的一种。Single girder crane is a crane.

这种机器叫做起重机。This machine is called a crane.

一只灰鹤飞到树上。A grey crane flew onto the tree.

这是用于起重机的钢垫板。This is a steel plate for crane.

司机转动吊车。The driver slewed his crane round.

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鹤展翅飞上云天。The crane soared high into the sky.

岸边集装箱起重机是起重机的一种。Quayside container crane is a crane.

备用1辆15吨的可移式起重机。Reserve a 15-ton crane can be moved.

鹤民听到动静,夺门而入。Crane people heard movement, door in.

液压登车桥是小型起重机械的一种。Hydraulic dock ramp is a small crane.

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造船用门式起重机是起重机的一种。Shipbuilding gantry crane is a crane.

起重机把汽车吊到轮船上。The crane put the car on to the ship.

然后鹤飞入了天空。Then the crane flew high into the sky.