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部分起源于日尔曼语。Partly of Germanic origin.

是西日耳曼语的一支。English is a West Germanic dialect.

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英语被分类为日尔曼语系。English is classified as a Germanic language.

“道路”、“路径”的词根来自古英语和日耳曼语。This was from Old English and Germanic roots.

英语属于日尔曼语系。English belongs to the Germanic group of languages.

在很多日尔曼语中这个简单的元音出现爆破。The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages.

英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.

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日耳曼战士粉碎了三支罗马军队。The Germanic fighters demolished the three Roman legions.

英语包含多少个德语词汇?How many Germanic words does the English language contain?

英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。The English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.

罗马日尔曼部落人员在他们的神的祭坛付出生命。Germanic tribes sacrificed Roman officers on altars to their gods.

哥德语是一种由哥德人所使用的,已灭亡的日耳曼语族语言。Gothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths.

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汉萨同盟是日耳曼人向东扩张和殖民过程中形成的。It formed In the process of Germanic east expansion and colonialism.

此款酒用德国雷司令酿造。The stylistic vision of this wine is that of the Germanic Rieslings.

在水热体系中合成了一种新型全锗沸石分子筛。A new type of germanic zeolite was synthesized in hydrothermal system.

这些词与拉丁语和日耳曼语的联系都可以追溯到印欧语的词根。Both the Latin and Germanic traces lead back to an Indo-European base.

冰岛语,北日耳曼语族语言,也是冰岛主要语言。Icelandic, a North Germanic language, is the main language of Iceland.

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就个人而言,范佩龙的直觉比起法国式的而言似乎更趋向于德国。Privately, Mr Van Rompuy’s instincts may be more Germanic than French.

因此最初的英语,是指上表中德西日尔曼语。Therefore, the first in English, refers to the table, Desiree Germanic.

随着罗马帝国的扩张,这些罗马人开始和日耳曼人对抗。As they expanded their empire they bumped up against the Germanic peoples.