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这种不安的感觉是相互的。The feeling of unease is mutual.

那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。The words I love you, lost in the unease.

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嘲笑声的背后潜伏着一种越来越强烈的不安。Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.

不过,这种失去光芒——抑或不安——的感觉,,不只是损失所带来的。But the sense of tarnish – or unease – goes beyond the losses.

一如城市,维基百科也会引起深切的不安,甚至愤怒。Like cities, Wikipedia also engenders a deep unease — even anger.

而杰米晓得要去参与伊梅尔达的婚礼,见到赛琳后很慌张不安。And jamie know to participate in imelda wedding, see SaiLin unease.

俄罗斯的再现也令中国不安。Adding to Chinese unease is the reappearance of Russia on the scene.

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施乐的裁员再次显示了科技行业的不安日益加剧。The Xerox cuts were the latest sign of growing unease in technology.

“那是玛丽亚,”我说,胸中同时涌起一股淡淡的不适感。"That's Mary, " I say, a faint sense of unease stirring in my breast.

但环绕在哺乳四周的不安的更加黑暗的场景变得渺小。But that darker flicker of unease around the breast-feeding grows smaller.

然而,李翔遇刺身亡的确引起了记者界的不安。Regardless, the stabbing has had caused unease among journalists in the city.

但是近来,人们的言谈中已经流露出对于市场的力量颇感忧虑。But lately, a striking unease with market forces has entered the conversation.

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沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。沙漏忘记,我们破碎的流年。The sandglass remembers the time we lost. The hourglass forget, we broken unease.

沙漏记得,自己们遗忘地光阴。沙漏遗忘,自己们破裂地流年。The sandglass remembers the time we lost. The hourglass forget, we broken unease.

这份不安依附在我身上,并深入我内心,就像是一种没有洗过澡的感觉。The unease was on my skin and beyond. It was like the sensation of not having washed.

这当然很大比例地解释了报道中的女性心里不安。That could certainly explain a significant proportion of the mental unease reported by women.

在这次经济大萧条之后,沉重的政府债务只会增加银行对未来的不安。Heavy government debt only adds to unease about the future after the so-called Great Recession.

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“当我第一次看到你时,你内心深处有一种不安的心情。可是,我也不清楚为何我感觉到啦”!When I first saw you, you have a deep feeling of unease. However, I am not sure why I feel Matata!

阿穆尼亚身上没有莱曼的指挥能力,还在后防线散布不安情绪。Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence.

天还没亮,他就异乎寻常地醒来了,被什么吸引到了他的卧室窗前,内心越发地感到不安。Unusually , he wakes before dawn, drawn to the window of his bedroom and filled with a growing unease.