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法官最要紧的是公正无私。Impartiality is absolutely essential to a judge.

他已经危机他公正的名声。He has compromised his reputation for impartiality.

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自始至终确保完全的公正与失密。Ensure absolutely impartiality and Confidentiality throughout.

这机构由于公正在国际上是享有声誉的。The agency enjoys an international reputation for impartiality.

无此便不能确保司法公正和效率目标的实现。Otherwise, judicatory impartiality and efficiency can not be ensured.

我能保证做到诚实无欺,但不能保证不偏不倚。I can guarantee honesty and honest, but can not guarantee impartiality.

世卫组织必须能够提供诚实和公正的信息。WHO needs to be able to provide information with integrity and impartiality.

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秘书长的公正性是联合国最宝贵的财产之一。The impartiality of the Secretary-General is one of the UN's most important assets.

规范性和公正性是科技期刊编辑的职业道德品格。Normativity and impartiality are the indispensable points that the editors mush observe.

相对不起诉具有公正性价值、效益价值和秩序价值。Free evaluation non-prosecution embodies the values of impartiality , efficiency and order.

在职能运作方面,它一直严格保持独立性和公平性。In carrying out its functions, SMO maintains strict independence and impartiality at all times.

从来没有一个发言人像他那样敢于藐视这个职位所应有的公平性。Never did a man employ the office of Speaker with less regard for its theoretical impartiality.

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仲裁员的独立性和公正性是仲裁制度得以生存和发展的重要保证。The independence and impartiality of arbitrators is the important basis of the arbitration system.

以色列表示他们将认真检查该报告,但是已经就其公正性提出质疑。Israel says it intends to examine the report carefully but had already questioned its impartiality.

会员国对我们的信任基于我们对公平性和客观性的承诺。The trust that Member States place in us is based on our commitment to impartiality and objectivity.

如果公正性已是例外而非规则,互联网正在消除这一点。If impartiality is already the exception rather than the rule, the internet is now eroding it further.

为了结束波斯尼亚,西方放弃了不偏不倚的立场,摈弃了均衡反应的主张。To end the war in Bosnia, the West abandoned impartiality and junked the idea of proportionate response.

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提出为使计量收费公平合理,必须采用高质量、高水准的热量表。In order to ensure the impartiality of the meterage the high quality and standard calorimeter must be used.

审核员的选择和审核的实施应确应保审核过程的客观性和公正性。Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectively and impartiality of the audit process.

因此,切削出中间人可能招致的损失宝贵的商业咨询,支持服务和公正性。So, cutting out the middleman could incur a loss of valuable business advice, support services and impartiality.