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在四周老甘蓝植物叶上有暗紫色。Dull purple flush on leaf of four week old swede plant.

坚苦是如何让那瑞典人听懂她们的话。The difficulty is how to make the Swede understand them.

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那个瑞典人除了嘴唇微微动着以外,站着一动也不动。The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly.

永贝里让克里希跟在他屁股后面傻跑,然后急停回敲给禁区线上的亨利。The Swede had Clichy backtracking before his cut back found Henry at the edge of the box.

那个瑞典人除了嘴唇还在微微动着以外,站着一动也不动。他还在练习。The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly. He was still practising.

上海申瑞家具有限公司成立于1998年,是宜家集团在中国建立的第一家商场。Shanghai swede furnishing co. ltd was established in 1998, which is the first store in china.

阿斯顿维拉下轮联赛将是客战朴茨茅斯,瑞典人积极地展望着这场比赛。Up next for Pompey is a visit to Portsmouth and the Swede is looking for a positive reaction.

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另外一位是欧洲航天局航员克里斯特·富格莱桑,他是瑞典“飞天”第一人。Also on board was the European Space Agency's Christer Fuglesang, who becomes the first Swede in space.

在第七场比赛中,索德林在面对费德勒强劲的正手击球的压力下痛失两个盘点。In the seventh game, the Swede was facing two set points when a rasping Federer forehand flew past him.

瑞典人问是否需要帮助,挪威人问瑞典人能不能帮他把企鹅运到水族馆。The Swede asked if he could help, and the Norwegian asked if he could take the penguins to the aquarium.

五年半来这位瑞典人一直兢兢业业地做着这项就很多人看来无法想象的工作。For five-and-a-half years the Swede has toiled manfully in what many have described as the 'impossible job'.

烤制这个馅饼花了11个小时,里面则填有165公斤牛肉以及满满的土豆、洋葱和瑞典芜菁。It took 11 hours to cook and was crammed full with 165 kilogramms of beef and sackfuls of potatoes, onions and swede.

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结果,血从这位瑞典人嘴唇里喷涌而出,而马托斯吐了一口痰,接着被人护送出场。It left the Swede with blood pouring from his lip while Matos spat on the floor and was then escorted out of the arena.

他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。He was a silent man, American born, of a Swede father, and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards.

老虎伍兹,谁从他的婚姻瑞典人埃琳两个年幼的孩子,最后赢得了2009年澳大利亚名人赛冠军。Woods, who has two young children from his marriage to Swede Elin Nordegren, last won a title at the 2009 Australian Masters.

对于卡佩罗和尤文图斯来说,这位23岁的瑞典人还在巨星之路上奋斗成长,目前的地位尚远不及布冯、内德维德和皮耶罗。For Capello and Juventus the 23-year-old Swede is a star in the making, still far away from Buffons, Nedveds and Del Pieros status.

然而,曼奇尼在同他的前教练电话沟通后否定了瑞典教练来到梅阿查球场的这一说法。However, Mancio denied that the Swede was coming to the San Siro after having been assured as much by his former boss on the phone.

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然而,这位瑞典人觉得当值裁判范德尔根本没有想到应该中断比赛,最终比赛以罗马2-1胜出收场。However, the Swede does not think Wednesday's referee Herbert Fandel ever considered calling a halt to the game, which Roma won 2-1.

从2001年开始,这位瑞典人执掌英国兰国家队教鞭长达五年,之后又在墨西哥国家队帅位上度过了如履薄冰的十个月时间,最终于今年四月份离职。Having spent five years as England manager from 2001, the Swede had 10 turbulent months as Mexico's coach, ending in April this year.

瑞典人不可能记住这些话,所以他的朋友们就决定只教他按顺序学会这些问题的答语。The swede could not possibly remember all these words and so his friends decided to teach him only the answers in their proper order.