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这在非对称的网络组织中体现较为明显。This is reflected in unsymmetrical network organization relatively apparent.

所述平行六边形拼板优选为非对称燕尾形。Preferably the figure of the parallel hexagon piece looks like unsymmetrical swallowtail.

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非对称Y型三通管内高压成形是该项技术中应用较为广泛的部分,同时也是一个难点。Unsymmetrical Y-shaped tube hydroforming is applied broadly and it is a difficult point as well.

大同盆地是一受北东向主干断裂控制的不对称地堑盆地。The Datong Basin is an unsymmetrical graben, the main controlling fault of which runs north east.

提出采取实际不对称数值解耦的方法并引进实际模量波速。An unsymmetrical numerical decoupling method is presented and the actual wave velocity is introduced.

该接口适用于对数据传输有较高要求的片上系统设计。The unsymmetrical interfaces can be applied to the System On Chip design of the high-speed data rate.

作为现在流行的采用密钥加密解密的算法,无非分为对称密钥和非对称密钥两种类型。As the popular arithmetic of secret key encryption, there are symmetrical and unsymmetrical secret keys.

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近代上海口岸化市场辐射还存在著一定的阶段性和不对称性。At that time, the extension of modern Shanghai port market was still at its first stage and unsymmetrical.

横肋对称和横肋非对称钢筋的粘结锚固性能无明显差异。The anchorage properties between the symmetrical and unsymmetrical ribbed rebar had no obvious difference.

仿真结果表明,该分配算法对非对称业务传输具有一定的适应性。Simulation results show that the strategy can be adapted to unsymmetrical transmission to a certain extent.

通过水力学模型实验,研究了非对称中间包的流场和流动分布。By means of hydraulic model trial, the flow field nd flow distributing in unsymmetrical tundish are studied.

此文用塑性泥作模拟材料,进行了压扭复合锻造和不对称V型砧拔长的工艺实验。The experiments of twist-compression forging and unsymmetrical V-shape die forging are made using plasticine.

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但是实际情况下,由于上下行链路引入的干扰不同,这种信道互易性会遭到破坏。But in fact, channel reciprocity was destroyed because of unsymmetrical interference between uplink and downlink.

首先,建立了阀控非对称缸位置控制系统与力控制系统的数学模型。At first, it studied the plant model of position and force system about valve control unsymmetrical hydraulic ram.

本文将EEAC法推广到计及不对称故障和重合闸操作的暂稳分析中。The EEAC method is extended in this paper, so as to include the models of unsymmetrical faults and automatic reclosing.

各种民族体育文化与奥林匹克之间形成了一种绝对不对称的文化关系。An absolutely unsymmetrical cultural relationship has been formed between various national sports cultures and Olympics.

分析左右两侧导气孔直径的调整对非对称弹射效果的影响。The influence on the unsymmetrical ejection effect by the adjustment of the left and right gas port diameters is analyzed.

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结果表明,导致大变形发生的原因主要是岩性、偏压和两郧断裂构造作用等。The large deformation is mainly due to rock properties, unsymmetrical load and tectonic effect of the Yunxi-Yunxian fault.

得出终轧温度过高、冷却强度不够及冷却不均是钢筋表面起泡的重要影响因素。It is concluded that too high fish rolling temperature, too low cooling intensity and unsymmetrical cooling are main causes.

本文还探讨了利用多普勒雷达探测结果计算非对称蓝金风场风速的方法。At the same time, methods of calculating unsymmetrical Rankine wind speed with the observations of Doppler radar are discussed.