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大陆漂移“假说。Continental Drift.

浮子就是浮漂。Bobber is floating drift.

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唐回漂流欢迎您!Welcome back to drift tang!

树叶在暴风雨中飘动。The leaves drift in the storm.

既不会随波飘流。Neither drift along the stream.

蓝天里白云行去。The clouds drift in the blue sky.

有一种渐入危机的趋势。There is a slow drift into crisis.

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有些人只是浑噩度日。Some people just drift through life.

冬天飘着雪,很冷。Winter is very cold, the snow drift.

他们让小船在河上漂流。They let the boat drift on the river.

就这样漂走吧。现在,我是他们的人了。Drift away . My place is with them now.

表层介质是冰碛组成的。The surface material consists of drift.

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表层介质是冰碛组成的。The surface material consists of drift.

无需校准、无漂移、基线平稳。No calibration. No drift. Flat baseline.

他们倾向于流入工作的亚文化领域。They tend to drift into work subcultures.

他望着这缕烟盘绕在树尖。He watched it drift through the pine tops.

我们就这样漂向岸边,在清冷的水面上So we drift toward shore, over cold waters

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欧洲人将转向国有化。Europeans will drift toward nationalization.

冰预计在你船处会漂走。Ice expected to drift away in your position.

让漂泊得爱情、重回爱得服务区。Let drift love, return to love service area.