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行深般若波罗蜜多时Was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita

行深般若波罗蜜多时。Was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita.

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眼泪从父亲的脸颊流下。Tears are coursing down my father’s cheeks.

安德鲁泪如泉涌,却并不为之惭愧。Andrew was not ashamed to find that tears were coursing down his face.

然后,他们可以通过小肠的未消化食物蛋白质窃喜。They then get undigested food protein coursing through the small bowel.

即使是现在,你仍然能感到那条死去的巨龙的力量在盾牌里翻涌。Even now, you can feel the power of the dead dragon coursing through the shield.

当然解释的推理过程为三段论式的演绎推理。Natural interpretation's inference coursing is deductive inference of syllogism.

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而且人民币过于急剧的升值可能让热钱奔出。And too sharp a rise in the yuan could send hot money coursing out of the country.

新血似乎是通过您的静脉窃喜,你因此而改变。New blood seems to be coursing through your veins and you are changing as a result.

在引论中,从国有企业的改革历程引出了本文主题。The article of this paper is educed from the reforms coursing of state-owned enterprises.

请牢记,猎狼是视觉猎犬,他会追寻他的本能去猎捕。Always remember that the Borzoi is a coursing Sighthound and follows its instinct to chase.

这种病毒通过主干线,一路繁殖,渐渐扩大范围造成严重破坏。Coursing through arteries, replicating along the way, edging into new sites to wreak havoc.

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红色的松鼠,从最近的桠枝上溜下来,和我特别亲热,也特别好奇。The red squirrel, coursing down the nearest bough, was particularly familiar and inquisitive.

收集从侧膝状体到视觉皮质的轴突传递。Refers to a collection of axons coursing from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex.

据美联社报道,欧洲债务危机一波未平,一波又起,恐惧和愤怒情绪在各国蔓延。Anger and fear about Europe's seemingly unstoppable debt crisis is coursing through the continent.

越多的皮质醇在你的身体系统中流动,肾上腺素的含量就越贫乏。The more cortisol coursing its way through your system, the more your adrenals will become fatigued.

从这座山上流下来的河流为这降水量极少的地区提供了农业用的水源。Rivers coursing down from the mountains provide water for agriculture in a region of scanty rainfall.

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一直以来伴随美国家庭的痛苦太过真实,没有知道该如何排解。The pain coursing through American families is all too real and no one seems to know what to do about it.

当时由于感染向全身蔓延,我感到很不舒服,甚至没有觉得难堪。I was so sick from the infection that was coursing through my body, I wasn't even embarrassed by that point.

希姆莱决定让他们的体内流着日耳曼人的血,从而可以控制他们。Himmler was determined to bring all those with Germanic blood coursing through their veins under his control.