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而这一切你都可以从国家卫生事业局那里免费得到。And you can get all of these for free on the NHS.

只有MMR联合疫苗才能得到英国国民保险。Only the combined MMR vaccine is available on the NHS.

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轮状病毒疫苗接种通常在英国国民保险不提供。Rotavirus vaccination isn't usually available on the NHS.

然而国家卫生事业局的收入可能受到来自财政部的威胁。NHS income may, however, be under threat from the Treasury.

科恩先生的发明已经引起了英国国家卫生事业局的注意。Mr Korn's invention has already attracted the attention of the NHS.

NHS当前正在介绍一个全面的职位评估方案。A comprehensive job evaluation scheme is currently being introduced in the NHS.

然而,这些治疗往往昂贵,而且并不提供在国民保健服务。However, these treatments are often expensive and are not available on the NHS.

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而NHS的梅德韦、肯特分处,已经在向抚恤金领取者提供性方面的建议。And the NHS in Medway, Kent, have even started producing sex advice to pensioners.

国家卫生事业局捐赠者登记簿上的人数需要增加三倍才能满足不断增长的移植需求。The number of people on the NHS donor register needed to treble to meet the growing demand.

他指出,因为没有对这个问题采取行动,英国国民健康服务体系正在“自讨苦吃”。He says that by not acting to tackle the problem, the NHS is making "a rod for its own back".

她发现如果病人因足部先天缺陷长期忍受疼痛,为脚整形的手术费可以算进医保开支。She discovered foot re-shaping surgery was available on the NHS for patients in serious pain.

英国国家医疗保障体制以较低的总成本向全社会提供医保,但是病人的发言权相对较小。The NHS provides health care to all at a much lower total cost, but patients have less clout.

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NHS一年需要对65000例病患实行膝关节置换术,其中很多都是膝关节炎病人。The NHS performs 65, 000 knee replacements a year, many on patients with arthritis of the knee.

他的眼睛是由布拉克普耳一个专门为国民保健署制作假眼的机构制造的。His eyes were created by a specialist unit at Blackpool which makes prosthetic eyes for the NHS.

丈夫是一个雷厉风行的人,他立刻打开笔记本电脑,登陆到国家卫生事业局猪流感症状查询中心。Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker.

第二天早晨,在经历了一夜的无法想象的病痛折磨后,他拨通了国家卫生事业局的热线电话。The next morning, after a night that is probably best left to the imagination, he called NHS Direct.

国家健康中心建议每天饮酒不超过三至四个单位,折算不到两品脱啤酒。The NHS recommends no more than three to four units a day – equivalent to less than two pints of beer.

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戴维斯是对国家保健服务所前缘技术成本效益进行评估的一个国际财团的成员。Davis is part of a consortium to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of leading-edge technology in the NHS.

战后,他们搬到了布莱克浦,在那里我的父亲作为一个坚定的社会主义者,享受到了新的全民健康医疗服务。After the war, they moved to Blackpool, where my father, a strong socialist, benefited from the new NHS.

与男性相较,女性更倾向用高税赋来维持如国民保健署这样的公共福利机构。Compared with males, females tend to be more in favour of higher taxes to fund provision such as the NHS.