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大家都很怀念工藤老师和仲村老师。We all miss teacher Kudo and teacher SIN.

从工藤到江户川,新一开始达到他生活的顶峰。From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi is reaching the top of his life.

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你是在东京说,诱惑的平次所谓的“工藤”的女人,对不对?You are in Tokyo that seduce the ping times called " Kudo " the woman, right?

从工藤到江户川,新一承受了太多我们不能想象的痛苦。From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi suffers a lot of pain that we could not imagine.

从工藤到江户川,这里有太多太多的重要时刻我们永远都不会忘记。From Kudo to Edogawa, there are many valuable moment that we have never forgotten.

工藤慎是一个十七年岁的高中侦探其中被人们称为“现代福尔摩斯”。Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes."

中村东仁亲身给白大怡抱歉,川岛还带来了担任他平安的工藤少佐的脑壳。Nakamura Higashihito personally to Bai Dayi sorry, Kawashima also brought him peace as the majors skull kudo.

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此间一家建筑公司的老板工藤隆说,他仍是自民党议员的死忠。Takashi Kudo , the owner of a construction company here, said he remained a loyal supporter of Liberal Democratic lawmakers.

本月八日,汤米株式会社女发言人工藤芽伊在日本北部青森县召开的能源部长会议上,介绍「爱秀宝机器人」。Tomy spokeswoman Mei Kudo introduces the i-Sobot at the energy ministers meeting in Aomori, northern Japan, on June 8, 2008.

汤米公司的女发言人工藤芽伊表示,日本卡通中的机器人通常是人类的好朋友,而爱秀宝机器人延续了这项传统。Tomy spokeswoman Mei Kudo said that Japanese cartoons often show people and robots as buddies. She said i-Sobot carries on this tradition.

侦探柯南由青山刚昌创作,讲述了17岁的侦探工藤新一的历险故事,他在调查一宗非法交易时被变成了一个小孩子。Detective Conan, written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama, follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi, a 17-year-old detective who is transformed into a child while investigating an illegal trade.