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托马斯似乎不赞成这项建议。Thomas seems to look upon the proposal with disfavor.

大部份的人都不赞成他的想法,因该那些想法都过时了!Most people disfavor his ideas since you are not awaydated.

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我以为自己是在帮助他们,实际上却给他们带来了很大的不便。That did them a huge disfavor when I thought I was doing them a favor.

有这个相位的人倾向于在某种程度遭受讨厌和冷落。The natives are likely to incur their disfavor or dislike in some way.

我们一向不赞成在国际事务中动辄诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。We are always in disfavor of the use or threat of force in international affairs.

我们都需要一个突破,却往往没有去做,其实那只会给我们自己带来坏处。We all need a break every so often and by not doing it we only do ourselves a disfavor.

她大学毕业论文的主人公是玛琳娜-茨维塔耶娃⑵,一位倍受当局冷遇的诗人。Her university dissertation was on Marina Tsvetaeva, a poet then in deep official disfavor.

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此外,在美国和欧洲,味精的用量已经下降了,失宠于众多消费者。Additionally, in the US and Europe, the use of chemical MSG has fallen to disfavor among many consumers.

由于福加特主义不得民心,迈克尔转而又对改进贫民窟问题发生兴趣。Foggartism having met with high disfavor and unpopularity , Michael became interested in slum improvement.

忏悔时要暴露自己全部的坏思想,我们不会因为你的诚实而不喜欢你。Disclose any bad thoughts that you have during your confessions. We will not hold you in disfavor for being honest.

有人士分析,“亚足联从经济利益方面考虑,也绝对不可能亏待日本队”。It is analyzed that Asian Football Association definitely will not disfavor Japan out of regard for economical benefit.

再次,宫体诗所选取的前代女性形象也都是些失宠或者境遇坎坷凄凉的女子。Finally the women's images of the previous dynasties in poetry derive from the women who fall into disfavor or frustrations.

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其实在外援桑德罗被停赛8场之后,金德已经无力再把宋振瑜和刘建业打入冷宫了。Actually after foreign aid Sangdeluo stops play 8, Jinde was already incapable again puts in disfavor Song Zhenyu and Liu Jianye.

他是一个非常好的值得尊敬的人。但是由于奸臣的嫉妒和迫害而最终失宠于当时的君主。He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

但过去几十年,随着经济学家热衷于理论丰富而数据缺乏的金融论文,实证分析法逐渐失宠。But this approach fell into disfavor over the last few decades as economists glorified financial papers that were theory-rich and data-poor.

但他们还是以对政府不利为由,说服以色列南省的罗马总督彼拉多下令处死耶稣。Still the religious leaders, used the argument of political disfavor and persuaded Pilate, a Roman governor of the Southern province of Israel, to authorize an execution.

他是基因治疗这项最新医学技术的老手,经过了1990年代的兴奋期和之后几次失败的实验后,基因治疗技术已经失宠了。He is a veteran of the last revolution in medical technology, gene therapy, which, after some hyped expectations in the 1990s, fell into disfavor after some unsuccessful trials.

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如果用图表画出不同可能性结果的频率,你可能会看到一种模式,貌似随机的序列处于峰值,那些碰巧看上去不太受人喜欢的序列位于谷底。If you graph the frequency of various possible results, it’s possible to see a pattern of peaks at random-looking series and valleys at the ones that chance would seem to disfavor.

自从被某些评论者大捧特捧又被某些人嗤之以鼻后,郎朗就在受欢迎与失宠之间永无止境地摆荡,这是广受瞩目的钢琴家都有的经验。After being praised extravagantly by some critics and dismissed by others, Lang Lang has entered the endless cycle of favor and disfavor experienced by pianists of great visibility.

由于基金投资者对产品差异不敏感,核心资源、核心能力和激励机制欠缺,导致基金业在初始成长阶段产品实质性差异不足。Besides the fund products do not differ at large, because the managers disfavor differentiation strategy, due to the lack of core resources and competences, and the absence of incentive mechanism.