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我是来取招魂护身符的。I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

若死灵术离场,埋葬该生物。If Necromancy leaves play, bury the creature.

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伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

正因为如此,职掌被认为是一个“黑色”艺术。Because of this, Necromancy was considered a "black" art.

菲尔丁不知羞耻地施展小巫术。Fielding was not ashamed to practise a little necromancy.

某些死灵术也会造成这类效果。Some Necromancy effects can create or exploit this property.

增加了两个新的类型的'复活'部队上涨虽然招魂。Added two new types of 'revived' troops gained though Necromancy.

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当你施放死灵术时,选择坟墓场中的目标生物牌。When you play Necromancy , choose target creature card in any graveyard.

招魂将增加,从而提高汉字的死为他们争取。Necromancy will be added, allowing characters to raise the dead to fight for them.

死亡的巫术也许就是所有魔法中最有力量的,但不可以轻视它。Necromancy is perhaps the most powerful of all magics, but not one to be toyed with or taken lightly.

死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师,他们可以属于任何一个阵营。Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic. Healers are clerics, and they can be either Dark or Light.

多年以来,克尔苏加德一直被认为是一个异类,因为他坚持研究被禁止的通灵术。He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy.

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为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化,萨尔禁止兽人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy.

大批的人排起了长队去旁听这场将不忠、巫术、招魂和巨额财富彻底曝光的官司。Crowds have queued to attend the case, which has exposed a world of infidelity, necromancy and incredible wealth.

丹尼尔奥格登调查的地方,演员和技术清道以及原因谈到它。Daniel Ogden surveys the places, performers, and techniques of necromancy as well as the reasons for turning to it.

专家,这是一个宝藏的古老证据清道及其相关的现代学问。For specialists, this is a treasure trove of the ancient evidence on necromancy and its related modern scholarship.

由于种种社会和历史原因,人们对"巫"、"巫术"及相关概念避讳尤深。For various social and historical reasons, people have been especially on guard against necromancy and the related concepts.

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董仲舒的治身观念来源于上古方术及黄老思想,是对经典儒学养身思想的有效补充。The body-management mode of thought of Dong Zhongshu traces back to ancient necromancy and the thoughts of Huangdi and Laozi.

由数术到学术的演进,反映了上古精神文明演进的复杂性。The development from necromancy to academic learning reflects the complexity of the evolution of ancient spiritual civilizations.

斯强克选择了巫术这一黑暗道路,但很快发现他的格斗技巧大大超过他的魔法能力。Straker chose the dark path of Necromancy , but it was soon discovered that his fighting skills by far outclassed his magical abilities.