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他用小提琴给我们奏了一个曲子。He gave us a tune on his fid dle.

大概是因为尼禄拉了小提琴,所以他们把罗马焚毁了。Perhaps it was because Nero played the fid dle, they burned Rome.

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建立一种可靠的测定水中三氯乙酸含量的气相色谱法。Trichloroacetic acid was esterified by acid and methanol, and FID detector was used.

最让女人尴尬的,就是一个正式的聚会上发现另一个女人穿着和自己同样的衣服。The most embarrassing thing for women is to fid another woman wearing the same dress at a formal party.

另一个我对这个内容感兴趣的原因是因曾经有一位驱邪师为我驱过邪。Another reason I fid the subject interesting is that I've had an exorcism performed on me. You read that right.

介绍气相色谱FID检测器的结构特点、使用中常见故障及故障排除方法。Gas chromatography FID detector structure and features, the common troubles and troubleshooting methods were introduced.

本文先介绍场离子发射的原理,然后介绍FID的结构及工作原理。This paper introduces the principles of field ion emission at first, and then explains the construction and work principles of FID.

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挥发性油用带氢火焰检测器与4270型电子积分仪的瓦里安3700型气相色谱仪分析。Volatile oil samples were analysed on a Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with FID detector and an electronic 4270 integrator.

利用毛细管色谱柱和氢火焰离子化检测器对生漆挥发物进行分离,分出7~9个色谱峰。The volatile matter of Chinese lacquer was separated by GC with PEG 20M capillary column and FID. 7-9 components have been separated.

基于小波变换阈值去噪技术进行了FID信号的去噪研究,利用自行构造的小波滤波器组取得了较好的去噪实验效果。Wavelet-based de-nosing of FID signals were performed in this paper, and the new designed wavelet filters showed better de-noising effect.

介绍了采用FID的色谱仪聚乙二醇20M色谱柱对氯乙醇的定量测定方法。The determination method of ethylene chlorohydrin content by using FID chromatograph polyethylene glycol 20M chromatographic column was introduced.

用气相色谱法定量测定了家用气雾杀虫剂中的丙烯菊酯、氯菊酯和增效醚。A method of quantitative analysis for allethrin, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide in insecticidal aerosol for household has been studied by GC FID.

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本文以OV-101为固定液,正二十二烷为内标物,气相色谱法测定溴苯腈辛酸酯乳油中有效成分含量。The contents of the formulation of bromoxynil octanoate was determined by gas chromatography with FID on OV-101, and n-docosane as internal standard.

通过对盐酸舍曲林溶剂残留量检测法的探索,建立了易推广的401担体色谱填充柱直接进样的气相色谱法。This paper described the analysis of residual solvents in sertraline hydrochloride by GC using GDX-401 as the immobilized phase and FID as the detector.

方法用DM-624毛细管气相色谱柱,顶空进样法,FID检测器,以甲醇为内标进行测定。METHODS The samples were injected into DM-624 capillary column by headspace sampler and analysed with FID detector using methanol as the internal standard.

本文采用气相色谱法,用HP-5毛细管柱,以邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯为内标物,用氢火焰离子化检测器对甲氧苄氟菊酯进行定性定量分析。A method for the determination of metofluthrin TC by GC with HP-5 capillary column, diisobutyl phthalate as internal standard and FID detector was described.

方法采用HP-624毛细管柱,顶空进样法,FID检测器,以正丙醇为内标进行测定。METHODS The samples were injected into HP-624 capillary column by headspace sampling and analyzed by using n-propanol as internal standard with FID detector.

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本文作者用填充柱气相色谱法直接测定了污染空气中甲醛、乙醛、丙醛的含量,并对方法的灵敏度、准确度及各种影响因素进行了探讨。The paper reports a determination method for the low molecular weight aldehydes in polluted air by using gas chromatography with a GDX-401 packed column and FID.

将实验室接收的FID信号进行小波与线性预测处理后与仿真信号进行对比,讨论仿真计算的可行性与局限性。Experimental FID is processed with wavelet and line prediction theory and compared with the simulation result. The feasibility and confinement of simulation is discussed.

介绍一种采用OV-1石英毛细管柱,在200℃柱温下用氢火焰离子检测器对新型去屑止痒剂甘宝素进行质量分析的方法。This paper introduces a way to analyze the quality of the antipruritic Climbazole by using a capillary column packed with OV-1 at a column temperature of 200℃, using FID detector.