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这是个集去苹果心、削皮和切片为一体的小装置。A doohickey is an apple corer, peeler and slicer.

阿肉切片机是一个伟大的礼物烹饪爱好者。The meat slicer is a great gift a fan of cooking.

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你还需要来自台湾一家公司的花瓣形蛋糕切片器!The Petals Cake Slicer from a Taiwan-based company!

卢克请求黑客扎卡里斯·根特破解出全部记录。Luke asked slicer Zakarisz Ghent to extract the full recording.

分析了推板式垂直分切机的工作原理。The working principle of vertical slicer with pusher was analyzed.

本文报导由冷阴极闸流管产生高压脉冲的激光脉冲削波器。A laser pulse slicer with a cryotron high voltage pulse generator is reported.

目前广泛存在和使用的是手摇式红薯切片机。At present, the existence and widespread use of the hand-style sweet potato slicer.

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倩·希是赏金猎人卡莉恩·法恩米尔在追捕斯克里·奥斯库罗时雇佣的著名黑客。A noted slicer hired by bounty hunter Kalyn Farnmir during her pursuit of Sri Oscuro.

还没到午饭时间,我的手已经被切肉机割破了两次。I cut my finger twice on the slicer before the day’s even rolled around to lunchtime.

多功能转盘切片机,可以将物料切成园形片状或椭园片状。Multi-Function turntable slicer can slice material into pieces like circles or ovals.

有时不管有多大的一种慢性切片机你,你将钩球向左边。Sometimes no matter how much of a chronic slicer you are, you'll hook the ball to the left.

我们的专家在这里教你如何使用这个免费视频炊具一个鸡蛋切片机。Our expert is here to teach you how to use a egg slicer in this free video on cooking utensils.

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关于如何正确学习技巧在这片自由的烹饪视频剪辑上的曼陀林切片马铃薯。Learn tips on how to properly slice a potato on a mandolin slicer in this free cooking video clip.

中文打字机看起来像一个介于熟食店切肉机和一个小型印刷机之间的东西。Chinese typewriters look something like a cross between a deli-meat slicer and a small printing press.

一种替代解决方案是将切片器替换为嵌套在交叉表边上的显式计算。An alternative solution is to replace the slicer by an explicit calculation nested on one of the edges of the crosstab.

红薯切片机是一种农业产品加工设备,主要用于红薯薯片的制作。The sweet potato slicer is an agricultural product processing equipment, mainly used in the production of sweet potato chips.

并采用光电控制系统等先进方法控制进给机构,达到轻型、高效、优质的目的。Light-electric control system controlled feed mechanism, the slicer is light in weight, high in productivity and fine in work quality.

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瑟玛普拉格轮番着用他的蒸汽拳套使用着可怖殴击,重击专长,并用他的电锯来把他的对手撕成碎片。Thermaplugg alternates between delivering Awesome Blow and Bash feats with his steam fist and tearing his opponents to pieces with his slicer.

其中还包括一个图像切片机,可以“斩了”大型图片成小的,然后建立正确的HTML代码,以便把所有重新走到一起。Also included is an image slicer that can "chop up" a large image into smaller ones, then create the correct HTML code to put it all back together.

她找了一个搭档——黑客高手倩·希。她们俩抓到一些无足轻重的罪犯和商业小偷,取得了初步的成功。She took on a partner, the skilled slicer Cian Shee, and the two enjoyed some level of success ferreting out small-time criminals and corporate thieves.