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有些人看到火里,从他的嘴中。Some have seen fire spew from his mouth.

恒星产生这些元素并将其散布到太空中。Stars create these elements and spew them into space.

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当时,上主命令那鱼,那鱼便将约纳吐在陆地上。Then the LORD commanded the fish to spew Jonah upon the shore.

她必须被净化,经由这净化,她的内部将喷涌。She must purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

现金出纳机里的钱,通常是梦想。Cash machines that spew out money are usually the stuff of dreams.

一旦燃料接触火源,他将喷出一个很大区域的放射性物质。If the fuel catches fire, it could spew radiation over a large area.

她必须被净化,通过这净化,她的内容物将会喷出。She must be purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

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这里汽车排成了长龙,排气管不断地喷吐着尾气。Here car line the long dragon, the exhaust pipe constantly spew exhaust.

他们口无遮拦的对骂粗鄙不堪的绰号,有时挑起争吵。They spew vulgar epithets without quarter, sometimes touching off brawls.

以石油钻井平台为例,大多数石油钻井平台不会自行爆炸或自动向海洋里喷石油。In the oil rig example, most oil rigs do not explode or spew oil into the ocean.

很快你们会听到感觉到这个星球的腹部轰鸣,呃逆,迸发,喷涌。Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of this planet roar, hiccup, belch and spew.

飞龙可以吐出弹射虫来攻击附近的目标。The Mutalisk can spew forth Glaive Wurms which seek out nearby targets and punish them.

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卫星表面的虎皮斑纹是活跃的地质区域,在不断喷出冰和其他气体的混合物。Its tiger stripes are active geologic regions that spew out jets of ice and other gases.

嘴里喷毒的这种领导人,应该被禁止登上这个星球的每一个受人尊敬的论坛。Leaders who spew such venom, should be banned from every respectable forum on the planet.

很快你们会听到感觉到这个星球的腹部轰鸣,呃逆,迸发,喷涌。Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of thellos planet roar, helloccup, belch and spew.

日本被毁的核反应堆持续地喷涌辐射物时,全世界的人们几乎屏住了呼吸。The world holds its breath as Japan’s damaged nuclear reactors continue to spew radiation.

它们又时像锥子锥我,有时像敷在伤口上的白霜或黑药。They also like when I stabber cone, and sometimes like a wound-shih spew black or medicine.

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这些烟囱结构喷出的气体和矿产丰富的水从下方地壳。These chimney-like structures spew gases and mineral-rich water from beneath the Earth's crust.

消除油霜,重在预防,加强脱脂,选择低雾化值的加脂剂加脂。The spew could be controlled by strengthening degreasing and choosing low fogging value fatliquor.

如果没有水,他们将会继续加热,并可能将辐射物喷到核设施以外的地方。Without water they will continue to heat and potentially spew radiation beyond the coastal facility.