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我猜玛丽·安比我更现实。I guess Mari Ann is more practical than me.

我出了门,在马雷市温暖的夜晚中漫步。I wandered out into the warm night of Mari.

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玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks.

玛丽•麦切纳于1994年九月死于癌症。Mari Michener died of cancer in September 1994.

我最大的女儿玛丽·安刚满二十岁。Mari Ann, my oldest daughter, just turned twenty.

马里。茵格尔是挪威数字广播的发言人。Mari Hagerup is a spokesperson for Digital Radio Norway.

毛利人的语言也许也正遭受着同样的改变。Mari language is probably undergoing the same type of changing.

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巴西如果没有玛丽安妮将会死得很惨,26分扣球6分拦网!Brazil would be dead in the water without Mari. 26 kills and 6 blocks!

玛丽·安似乎从未对摄影产生兴趣,读中学时也从未上过一堂摄影课。Mari Ann never seemed interested in photography and never took one photography class in high school.

玛丽是目前的黄金标准说到画高品质的材质在电影和视觉特效行业。MARI is currently the gold standard when it comes to painting high-quality textures in both the film and VFX industries.

19世纪末,这些村子才被人发现,当地的主要人口由毛利人构成。The villages have been found at the end of the 19th century, the main residential population consisted of the mari people.

同日,国务院总理温家宝与芬兰总理基维涅米互致贺电。Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on the same day also exchanged congratulatory messages with his Finnish counterpart Mari Kiviniemi.

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感激所有参与木瓜丰胸效果怎么样的人士!下周饭岛蜜斯将回答各人关于她的音乐生活生计和个人生活的问题!保藏指正。Thanks to everyone who participated! Tune in next week when Mari Iijima answers your questions about her music career and personal life!

该地区的南部毗连巴什基尔共和国的边界,有许多鞑靼人,巴什基尔人和毛利人的聚居地。In the South of the region, that is bordering with the Bashkir republic, there are many neighbouring Tatar, Bashkir, and Mari settlements.

佐藤女士正经历着痛苦,但作为一名日本妇女,她正尽力克制自己,保持尊严。这些是日本社会为人称道和尊敬的品质。Mari Sato is hurting, but as a Japanese woman, she is doing her best to be reserved and dignified, prized by society as admirable qualities.

而两位主力球员的回归也让主队信心大增,后卫胡安·曼努埃尔·佩纳和前锋何塞·马里都可以在比赛中出场。The hosts' confidence is buoyed by the return of two key players. Defender Juan Manuel Pena and striker Jose Mari should both be fit to feature.

有时他们也会和他们的祖母说说毛利语,但是一旦他们的祖母死了,这种语言的保存也将变得更加的困难。Sometimes they would be speaking Mari with their grandmothers, but once the grandmothers are gone, the language is going to be difficult to preserve further.

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从这里,我们将学习如何MARI处理线性工作流程使用色彩管理以及我们如何可以带相机数据的镜头我们会变形。From here, we'll learn how MARI handles a linear workflow using Color Management as well as how we can bring in the camera data for the shot we'll be texturing.

对此,马利·埃卡普特里只好无奈地笑和叹气。她说,印尼人都准备好星期二庆祝节日,所以这一消息令人失望。Mari Ulfa Ekaputri, who giggles and sighs when talking about the confusion, says Indonesians were all prepared on Tuesday, so the news came as a disappointment.

印尼总统苏希洛在一次内阁会议上表示,人民应该"有创造性地"自己动手丰衣足食,贸易部长冯慧兰带头在家种地.President Susilo Yudhoyono Bambang told a cabinet meeting people should be "creative" in planting, with Trade Minister Mari Pangestu leading the way in planting at home.