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也许不深,却激烈而湍急Perchance not deep, but intense and rapid

也许要到忒修斯的婚礼以后。TITANIA Perchance till after Theseus ' wedding-day.

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我偶然地相信他们许多,并且他们是否是仅仅懦夫?Perchance I give them too much credit and they are mere cowards ?

他也许会替那个被法律伤害了的人叫屈。He would, perchance , have pitied this sick man, of the law's making.

另一种危险,也不见得小,在等待着他们。Perils of another sort and no less serious were awaiting them, perchance.

并且一切他遇见他的那做了询问,如果他们偶然地看见了他的母亲。And of everything that he met he made enquiry if perchance they had seen his mother.

他向一路上遇到的所有人打听是否遇见过他的妈妈。And of everything that he met he made inquiry if perchance they had seen his mother.

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也还是第一个来到这口井边的人留下了他们一些足迹。Yet perchance the first who came to this well have left some trace of their footsteps.

可能钟声为他而鸣的那个人已经病入膏肓,以至于他感觉不到钟声在为他鸣。PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill as that he knows not it tolls for him.

读者如果在比较近的地方去看这两个人,那可能是认识他们的。Perchance the reader might recognize these two men, if he were to see them closer at hand.

也许我们还会在枯燥的土地上邂逅几株近乎褪尽了色的单生的紫菀。Perchance you will meet with a few solitary asters in the dry fields, with a little color left.

那是因为这个阴沉的矿工所挖掘的土地中刚好显露了鼓励他的一些迹象。The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shown indications that encouraged him.

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要是您还没给他命名,“布茨”是个好选择,跟他的白爪子和一切都很配。If perchance you haven't named him, Boots would be a perfect one, what with his white feet and all.

今天偶然间在一家铺子里遇到的,便一起去了茶楼喝茶叙旧。Today perchance meet in a cache of, then went teahouse and beverage tea to work over the age days together.

完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

歌唱的鸟儿和花朵偶然的来到了这里,只因为花儿和野草紧紧跟随着人的足迹。Singing birds and flowers perchance have begun to appear here, for flowers as well as weeds follow in the footsteps of man.

然而,一想到他为了赢得胜利而在挣扎中所经受的致命的折磨,同时又令人神伤。Meanwhile, nevertheless, it was sad to think of the perchance mortal agony through which he must struggle towards his triumph.

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至于他的良好的名声和他在世间的地位,或许还有他的生命,予取予夺都在你的掌握之中。So far as concerns the overthrow or preservation of his fair fame and his earthly state, and perchance his life, he is in thy hands.

在一些文化当中,畸形的婴儿是不被抚养的,所有的文化都把自己认为不受欢饮的人物推到边缘位置,让他们衰亡和意外地死亡。In some cultures malformed infants are not nourished, and all cultures push what they consider their undesirables to the periphery, to wither and perchance to die.

但也有时候——好多天有这么一次,或者要好几个月才有这么一次,她会感到一双眼睛——一双人类的眼睛望着她那耻辱的印记,似乎能给她片刻的宽慰,象是分担了她的一半痛苦。But sometimes, once in many days, or perchance in many months, she felt an eye- a human eye- upon the ignominious brand, that seemed to give a momentary relief, as if half of her agony were shared.