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阳像线划原图和注记必须是不透明的。Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque.

把活字版锁稳与版框内所用的间隔材料。Letterpress spacing materials used when locking in chase.

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所有的插图完全配得上正文。The illustrations are in every way worthy of the letterpress.

活版字粒在印刷之后放回字盘位置的操作。The returning of letterpress type to the case after printing.

宋朝的人已经使用活字版印刷技术了。People in the Song Dynasty already used letterpress type to print.

将来的发展是循环回收现已被淘汰的凸版印刷。In development is a mission to up-cycle the now obsolete letterpress.

无粉腐蚀只需一个步骤就制成活版的腐蚀方法。Powerless etching A method of etching letterpress printing plates in one step.

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线条锌版活版印刷用的线条或粗网半色调凸版。A line or coarse screen half-tone block etched on zinc for letterpress printing.

制活版印刷用的电版,需要正读负片菲林。A right-reading negative film is required for making letterpress printing plate.

该技术已经成立了柔性版印刷和凸版经过多年的市场。The technology is already established in the flexo and letterpress market for many years.

我们无法得到一个屏幕打印机在工作,所以我们决定采取凸版印刷。We couldn't get a screen printer to take on the job, so we decided to pursue letterpress printing.

线条锌版活版印刷用的线条或粗网半色调凸版。参阅锌电版。Zinco a line or coarse screen half-tone block etched on zinc for letterpress printing. see zinc engraving.

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无论其所印书的资料价值,还是活字印刷本身的意义,影响都是深远的。This project had long and great influence both on its material value for printing and on the letterpress itself.

电脑科技全面革新印刷方法后,活版印刷的盛况已消逝殆尽。Computer technology has brought a new revolution to printing techniques and letterpress printing has lost its luster.

我们选择了刷字体的排版方面,一切都印在我们的内部海德堡凸印机。In regard to typography we chose a brush font, everything was printed on our in-house Heidelberg letterpress machine.

适用于所有印刷方式,例如,胶印、凹印、丝印、柔版印刷、凸印等。The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexographic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Offset printing press methods.

三年前我俩订婚时,我们在聚会上谈论有关酒席、花店和邀请函的事宜。When we got engaged three years ago, talk of caterers and florists and letterpress invitations occupied us at these gatherings.

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基于此,本文希望通过对这些问题的研究,以有助于将来对伪证罪的完善和发展。Basing on this, letterpress hopes to help to the development and perfectness of perjury crime by the research of these problems.

本文对塔式起重机水母式基础的力学状态进行了分析,并给出了设计计算公式和设计过程。The letterpress analyses the acaleph bases mechanics state for the tower crane, and gives out the design formulas and design course.

其他的印刷方法,在该地区使用的类型包括凸版和凹版印刷占百分之七的响应分别。Other types of printing methods used across the region include letterpress and rotogravure with 7 per cent of responses respectively.