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那么就会举行公民投票。Then there would be a plebiscite.

他们希望对这两项要求进行公投。They want these two demands put to a plebiscite.

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首要的障碍是如何进行一轮对于支持帕潘德里欧提议的全民公投的信任投票。A first hurdle was a vote of confidence to endorse Mr Papandreou's proposed plebiscite.

拉德先生现年50岁,前外交官,曾许诺举行公民投票以断绝与君主政体的联系。Mr Rudd, 50, a former diplomat, has promised to hold a plebiscite on severing links with the monarchy.

1948年,联合国安理会下令举行全民公决,以决定克什米尔是否要留在印度,或者加入巴基斯坦。In 1948, the UN Security Council ordered a plebiscite to determine if Kashmiris wanted to remain in India, or join Pakistan.

赖德尔人民对全民公决的支持恶化了非法占领离岛对阿斯佩特利亚的侵犯。The Rydalian endorsement of the plebiscite exacerbates the illegal occupation of the Islands in violation of Aspatria's historic title.

关于希腊总理考虑举行公投的传闻最先出现在当地报纸Kathimerini的英文版的网站上。The news of the plebiscite being mulled by Prime Minister George Papandreou appeared on the website of the Kathimerini English language newspaper.

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继11月公民投票,王子卡尔接受了挪威王位,走哈康七世的名字,而他的小儿子采取了奥拉夫的名称。Following a plebiscite in November, Prince Carl accepted the Norwegian throne, taking the name of Haakon VII, while his young son took the name of Olav.

在占有大量史学资料的基础上对三种全民公决制度分别追宗索义,可从制度演变中辨析全民公决的涵义。This paper traces back to the origins of referendum, plebiscite and initiative and tries to dig out the content of such a system through the evolution of these words.

拉文总统谴责全民公决的不合法性并声明她会尽全力保证离岛会“回到阿斯特利亚的合法控制”。President Lavin condemned the plebiscite as illegal and stated that she would do all in her power to ensure that the Islands were "returned to Aspatria's rightful control."

新几内亚群岛的西部地区曾经是荷兰殖民地,但是根据1969年的“自由选择法案”的公民投票表决后该地区即成为印度尼西亚的领土。The western part of the island of New Guinea was once a Dutch colony, but has been Indonesian territory since a highly contested 1969 plebiscite known as the "Act of Free Choice.

昆仕兰州东南部从缇德河到西边的图沃拔有超过170万居民,他们将于3月17日进行公民投票,决定是否应该把回收水作为部分水供。More than 1.7 million residents in south-east Queensland, from Tweed River to Toowoomba in the west, will vote in a plebiscite on March 17 on whether recycled water should be part of the water supply.