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一只翅膀受伤的云雀。Skylark wounded in the wing.

一只翅膀受伤的云雀。A Skylark wounded in the wing.

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云雀抖动它的双翼。The skylark quivered its wings.

你是那梦中云雀吗?Are you the skylark in my dream?

我看见,听到一只云雀飞翔在蓝天碧野之间。I saw and heard a skylark fly between the two.

云雀文化艺术公司是我市知名的民办文化艺术公司。Skylark arts companies are doing our renowned arts companies.

这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀毛做的。This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather.

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这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀羽毛做的。This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather.

是的,这把是用大雁羽毛做的,这把是用云雀羽毛做的。Yes this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather.

小云雀抚摸着小雏菊,带着她飞向广阔的蓝天。The tiny little skylark stroked the daisy, and flew away to the wide and blue sky.

于是云雀飞起来,扑在鹰的背脊上,啄起鹰的羽毛来了。Then the skylark flew up and alighted upon the back of the eagle and began to pick at his feathers.

突然,一只小云雀飞到小雏菊跟前,围着她跳舞和唱歌。Then suddenly, a tiny little skylark came over to the small daisy, and she danced around her and sang beautiful songs.

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门仍然开启在隐藏的枢钮和“云雀”上勋章仍然是看得见的在海槛上屏但是他们现在被铬。The doors still open on hidden hinges and the "Skylark" insignia is still visible on the sill plates but they are now chromed.

奥法利斯城的人们啊,你们可以掩住鼓声,松弛琴弦,但谁又能够下令禁止云雀歌唱?People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing?

英国浪漫主义诗歌的意象表现得极其丰富,其中最常见的意象是“鸟雀”,尤其是云雀和夜莺。Rich images have been represented in English Romantic poetry, in which the most seen are birds, especially skylark and nightingale, which are vividly and profoundly depicted.

听啊,这就是一位翻译前辈的翻译之乐,这就是他,化身云雀,在漫漫译途中的快乐歌咏。Pleas keep listening. This is the happiness a senior translator gains in doing translation. It is he who became a skylark singing delightedly in the long course of translation.

云雀恭弥讨厌被束缚,虽然表面上声称不会与家族成员走太近,但每当家族处于危难的时候,他都会挺身而出、扭转劣势。Skylark Christine Mi hate to be tied, although on the surface with the family members claimed they would not go too close, but every family in danger, he will come forward and turn the tide.