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它们从不自动放弃。They never waiver.

我签了弃权书。I signed the waiver.

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租户放弃续租。If Lessee has signed a waiver.

玛格丽特拿起弃权声明书,扫视了一遍。She picked up the waiver and scanned it.

豁免期内不包括邮寄月结单。Exclude monthly statement during the fee waiver period.

传递你的品牌信息,别放弃。Get your brand message out there and don’t waiver on it.

一旦选择路线,政府就绝不能放弃。A government must not waiver once it has chosen it's course.

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还有很多,你可以在官网上找。目前我没有见到不能免托福的情况。That means a master degree from UK is enough for TOEFL waiver.

我国保险法中没有规定弃权和禁反言规则。There are no waiver and estoppel rule in China's Insurance Law.

这个价格包括全额免碰撞保险服务,并且不限里程。That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage.

印度、土耳其、巴拉圭和玻利维亚支持蒙古的豁免请求。India, Turkey, Paraguay and Bolivia supported Mongolia's waiver request.

非会员不具备通常会员才有的免税资格。Non-members do not qualify for the tax waiver normally applied to members.

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附属长城银联白金卡,首两年免年费。Plus, complimentary Great Wall Card UnionPay Platinum, 2 years fee waiver.

附属长城银联白金卡,首两年免费。Plus, complimentary Great Wall UnionPay Card Platinum, 2 years fee waiver.

即便无法获得学杂费减费优惠,您是否仍愿意就读本校?Do you still wish to study at NFU even if you do NOT have the tuition waiver?

在我看来,你前面提到的放弃免赔额条款的确起到了作用。It seems to me that the Waiver of Excess Clause that you quote does achieve this.

任何一方不履行其在本协议下的权利不应被视为弃权。No failure by either party to enforce any rights hereunder shall be construed a waiver.

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我这有份临别赠礼-,准许我们使用您肖像权的声明,希望您笑纳。We have this one parting gift-- just a little legal waiver for the cameras if you would.

男性捐赠者还必须签署一份放弃对孩子探视权的声明书。The men will also be required to sign a legal waiver of their rights to access to the child.

弃权和禁反言之间存在密切的联系,同时又有著本质的区别。There are close relations but also essential difference between the waiver and the estoppel.