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吉恩与博比已经结婚68年了。Gene and Bobbie Bonti have been married for 68 years.

我可以留个话,请巴比明天中午与我碰面吗?Could I leave a message for Bobbie to meet me at noon tomorrow?

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吉恩搀扶妻子博比下楼梯去休息室。Gene Bonti helps his wife Bobbie down steps into the couple's family room.

吉恩准备晚餐时,妻子博比在旁边陷入沉思。Bobbie Bonti is deep in thought as her husband Gene prepares dinner for her.

妻子博比在休息室休息时,吉恩拿出老照片,吉恩在第一次世界大战中是一位轰炸机驾驶员。Gene Bonti checks in with his wife Bobbie who is relaxing in the family room.

吉恩在超市购买为妻子晚餐准备的食材。Gene Bonti shops for that night's dinner he is preparing for his wife Bobbie.

卡罗尔奥恩夏季和她的朋友博比黑体来到军事翻看。Carol Ann Summer and her friend Bobbie Bold came looking for military records.

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吉恩与博比的女儿雪莉。詹宁斯为父母买来星巴克Frappacino。Sheri Jennings bring Starbucks Frappacino to per parents Gene and Bobbie Bonti.

博比准备开始吃丈夫为她准备的晚餐。Bobbie Bonti gets ready to eat the dinner her husband Gene has prepared for her.

妻子博比在休息室休息时,吉恩拿出老照片,吉恩在第一次世界大战中是一位轰炸机驾驶员。Gene Bonti pulls out a picture of him and his wife Bobbie taken during a cruise.

吉恩买回为妻子的晚餐准备的食材。Gene Bonti bring home ingredients for that nights' dinner he will cook for his wife Bobbie.

吉恩和博比回忆起以前在休息室里举办过的那么多次聚会。Gene and Bobbie Bonti reminisce the parties they had in the family’s formal formal living room.

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博比没有因困阻而气馁,不久之后他就克服了困难。Bobbie was not the kind to be discouraged by obstacles and later his ingenuity overcame the difficulties.

吉恩在萨克拉门托的家用医疗用品店为妻子博比选电动车。Gene Bonti checks out motorized scooters for his wife Bobbie at Capitol City Home Medical Supplies in Sacramento.

然后在开车送我去博比家的路上,她告诉我今后我将永远正式成为圣诞老人的助手之一了。Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decker's house, explaining as we went that I was now forever officially one of Santa's help.

鲍里斯·博比·灿可夫,保加利亚一位杰出的报道黑手党犯罪的记者在首都索菲亚被枪杀。Boris "Bobbie" Tsankov, a prominent crime journalist who reported on the mafia in Bulgaria, has been killed by gunmen in the capital, Sofia.

博比现在用的是步行器,吉恩希望买一个电动车给她,等她病情好转后可以去商店买东西或去他们在太浩湖的小屋。Bobbie uses a walker to get around and Gene hopes to get her a scooter when she is well enough to go grocery shopping or to their cottage in Lake Tahoe.

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因此,8年前,当医生告诉乳癌患者博比·桑德斯,准备为她做比较简单的手术时,她如释重负。So Bobbie Saunders was relieved when her doctor offered to perform the less radical procedure when she was diagnosed with breast cancer eight years ago.

自从博比因卵巢癌做化疗后,她几乎掉光了头发,更糟糕的是,她的左手和双脚还患上了严重的神经病症,不能走太多路。Since her chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, Bobbie lost most of her hair, but more damaging, she has severe neuropathy in her left hand and both feet, so she can’t walk much.