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有的居群下表皮有单细胞表皮毛分布。Some populations have unicellular hairs on lower epidermis.

单细胞生物如何寻找食物和避免有毒物质?How do unicellular organisms find food and avoid noxious substances?

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一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。An autotrophic unicellular green alga presents the minimum of specialization.

单细胞浮游生物是形成深海食物链的基础。Unicellular planktonic groups form the basis of the food chain in the deep sea.

20亿年前地球刚刚诞生,地球上只有些单细胞生物。The Earth was just over 2 billion years old, and home only to unicellular life-forms.

新研究显示很多单细胞生物能够直立和行走。New research shows that many of these unicellular organisms can stand upright and walk.

在大海中,除了藻类,从单细胞的生物到巨鲸,生命是何等的浩瀚和丰富。Life in the ocean ranges from unicellular algae to great whales—how vast and rich it is.

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细胞繁殖的中心内容在单细胞有机物里可以看得更清楚。The central issue of cell reproduction can be seen more clearly in the unicellular organisms.

人芽囊原虫是一种常见的人和哺乳动物肠道寄生原虫。Blastocystis hominis is a unicellular protozoan commonly found in the intestinal tract of human and mammal.

一类藻类植物。藻体一般为单细胞,有时集成群体。普遍分布于淡水,海水以及土壤中。Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil.

原叶体边缘及表面均可产生毛状体,数量丰富,为单细胞。Mature prothalli are cordate-shaped. Profuse unicellular hairs occur on the surface and margin of the prothalli.

单细胞生物常发生整体的融合,而多细胞中只有配子发生融合。In unicellular organisms whole individuals may unite but in most multicellular organisms only the gametes combine.

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虽然它们是单细胞的,在繁殖的时候,“父细胞”会和“母细胞”结合起来。Although they are unicellular , at times of reproduction the "father" cell and the "mother" cell combines together.

PCC6803是一种单细胞蓝藻,在自养和异养条件下均可以生长。PCC6803 is a unicellular cyanobacterium that is able to grow either autotrophically or heterotrophically on glucose.

纤毛虫是单细胞的原生动物,在进化上属于低等的真核生物,但其各细胞器之间囊泡运输系统极为完善。Ciliate, a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution, has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles.

毛状体出现在片状体形成之后,数量丰富,多为单细胞,分布于原叶体背腹面及边缘。After the formation of the prothallial plate, profuse unicellular hairs occur on both the surfaces and margin of the prothalli.

在一些藻类、苔藓植物和裸子植物配子体中存在的由单个细胞形成的类似根的结构。Rhizoid A unicellular root like structure found in certain algae and in the gametophyte generation of the bryophytes and some ferns.

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单细胞生物和群体藻类的眼点、配子和孢子含有橙色或红色的类胡萝卜素。The eyespot of unicellular and colonial algae and their gametes and zoospores contains globules of orange or red carotenoid pigments.

论述了用稻壳制备木糖、水玻璃、活性炭及单细胞蛋白饲料的生产工艺和生产方法。Process and method for producing xylose, sodium silicate, active carbon and unicellular protein type feed using rice husk are described.

酵母是一种单细胞的微生物,这也就是说,它是一种个体只能通过显微镜才能观察出来的活的生物。Yeast is a unicellular micro organism, that is to say, it is a living organism whose individual units are visible only under the microscope.