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更加顺畅的安装。A much smoother installation.

那张皮比这张平滑。That leather is smoother than this.

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它可以让你刮起胡子来又平滑又不痛。It makes shaving smoother and less painful.

这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。The same principle may make for smoother writing.

经常使用,皮肤变得嫩白柔滑。Skin becomes smoother and fairer with regular use.

洗发护发同步进行,经常使用秀发柔润更光滑。Frequent usage will have smoother and shinier hair.

浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的面目。Smoother showed the face of its ferocious gradually.

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所以,没有同床伴意味着更好的夜间睡眠。So an absent partner meant a smoother night's sleep.

比那恒久地被海浪摸挲的贝壳还要细腻。Smoother than shells continually polished by the sea.

是一个听起来顺滑以及具有丰富回响声音混响。It is one of the smoother and richer sounding reverbs.

我的皮肤感觉顺滑紧致了很多,我真的好喜欢。My skin feels smoother and tighter and I am loving it.

双核处理器使应用程序运行更快,界面也更加流畅。Dual-core guts make for faster apps and a smoother interface.

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而软着陆会让整个过程顺畅许多.A soft-landing would make the path to that a much smoother one.

在手持设备中,用户期望能够更流畅的操作应用。On a mobile device, people want smoother use of an application.

在苹果乳酸发酵期间会转化为更圆滑的乳酸。Converted to smoother lactic acid during malolactic fermentation.

咱们是同事,如果我们共同合作,事情会做得更加顺遂。We're colleagues and things will go smoother if we work together.

首先,使用钢梳平滑的一侧,使毛发快速干燥。First use the smoother side of the shedder to dry your cat?s hair.

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而在360上,现阶段而言,你可能会看到,在张数的流畅度上会较为顺畅一点。WithXbox 360 right now you may see a little bit smoother framerate.

功率响应一致,同轴和离轴变化更为平稳。Power response is uniform, with smoother variations on and off-axis.

帆船是没有太大的平滑勒布朗在2004-05赛季。The sailing wasn't much smoother for LeBron during the 2004-05 season.