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踢球员将在第四次进攻机会时弃踢。The kicker will punt at fourth down.

她第一次学骑马就遇上了匹爱踢的马。She had a kicker for her first riding lesson.

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若你已支付其3蓝的增幅费用,则你抽X张牌。If you paid the 3U kicker cost, you draw X cards.

裁判会将此动作记为失误,并向踢球者出示黄牌警告。Record the kick as a miss and show the kicker a yellow card.

结束是一个踢球者和与会者普遍一个不错的电影。The ending was a kicker and it was generally a pretty good movie.

真空吸附,推板自动送纸,弯曲纸板也可顺利送入。Vacuum assisted kicker feeder, even bending paperboard can be fed smoothly.

最后的操作是对账单表的更新,这需要花费一定时间。The final kicker is an update to the bill table which takes quite some time.

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若你已支付其2红的增幅费用,则烨焰亦对该生物的操控者造成X点伤害。If you paid the 2R kicker cost, Illuminate deals X damage to that creature's controller.

如果你的蝶泳腿打得很棒,你在蝶泳出发时可以潜得稍微深一些。On a butterfly start, you can actually build a little bit deeper if you are a fly, aerobic fly kicker.

“我非常高兴在拜仁慕尼黑,我非常愿意留下,”德国国脚在接受踢球者报纸采访表示。"I am very happy at Bayern Munich and I intend to stay, " the German international told Kicker newspaper.

如果队伍进攻能力不行,但有个好射手,那么策略可能是尽量多射门多得分。If the team has a bad offense but a good kicker then his strategy might be to get as many field goals as possible.

而更关键的是,这位教练告诉我的儿子如果不能把这个练习做到尽善尽美,那么他将不会派上上场比赛。The kicker here was that this coach told our son that he wouldn't put him on the field until he perfected this skill.

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穿透开始鲁宾斯坦的硬币通过表,发现第一次他惊人的踢球的结局。PENETRATIONS begins with Rubinstein's Coins Through the Table, revealing for the first time his startling kicker ending.

拉姆今年24岁。据德国体育网站踢球者报道,他已经同球队续约,将在安联球场效力到2012年。Lahm, 24, has signed an extension which will keep him at the Allianz until 2012 according to German sports website Kicker.

对于香港等基本上钉住美元的经济体而言,资本流动已成为又一个造成流动性困难的杀手。For those countries with a quasi-U. S-dollar peg, such as Hong Kong, the capital flows are showing up in an added liquidity kicker.

了解如何发挥起脚和学习之间的一个额外的点,在此免费视频剪辑在足球场上踢净胜球。Learn how to play kicker and learn the difference between an extra point and field goal kicking in this free video clip on football.

若你已支付其增幅费用,则欧琳之雷对目标生物造成等同于该神器或结界之总魔法力费用的伤害。If you paid the kicker cost, Orim's Thunder deals damage equal to that artifact or enchantment's converted mana cost to target creature.

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其他人买了这些债券,发现了这个问题,然后要求偿付,到最后以和公司协商了事,然后我们得到了一个促销品。Somebody else owned them, and discovered them, and demanded that they get paid, and ended up negotiating with the company, and we got a kicker.

当巴西和澳大利亚成为率先加息的国家之一,它们的货币也出现了升值,进一步推高了这两类债券投资的收益。When Brazil and Australia were two of the first countries to raise rates, their currencies also appreciated, adding a kicker to the investment.

比赛结束还有7秒钟,斯蒂夫·迈拉小跑上场,在20码处射门得分,比赛进入加时。With seven seconds to play in regulation, kicker Steve Myhra trotted onto the field and booted the 20-yard field goal to send the game into overtime.