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我很欣赏这种坦率。I appreciate that candour.

我们需要高粱舅的坦率来驱除虚假污垢。We need Uncle Gao-liang's candour to blow away the cobwebs of hypocrisy.

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英国广播公司还称托克故意掩盖事实真相,说它的种种否认“缺乏可信性和坦率”。The BBC also alleges a cover-up, saying Trafigura's denials "lack credibility and candour".

不以公正而著称的关于埃及的报纸开始用一种新的,困难的明晰性来对它进行描述。Newspapers not known for their candour about Egypt began to describe it with a new, hard clarity.

该广播公司还声称托克故意掩盖事实真相,说它的种种否认“缺乏可信性且有所隐瞒”。The broadcaster also alleged a cover-up, saying Trafigura's denials "lack credibility and candour".

尤其使我冲击的是拉里塔博客中她对收容所之行的描述异乎寻常地直率。I was particularly struck by Lalita's blog, in which she described the shelter visit with remarkable candour.

虽然行贿是一种相当肮脏的行为,但西门子的运作实质上却有几分”透明与信任”的色彩。There is something almost touching about the candour and trust with which Siemens went about a very dirty business.

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帕斯是一个聪明的和饱经忧患的人,他开始滔滔不绝地、坦率地谈起革命的一般情况。Paz, an intelligent and harassed man, began by setting forth the general case for revolution with fluency and candour.

为了满足我自己的虚荣心,我待人总是不着边际地猜忌多端,而且还要做得使我自己无懈可击。who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust.

很少有在职的总统像他这样如此坦率地承认,公众对自己的信心正在下降。And in a rare moment of candour from a sitting president, Mr Obama acknowledged the public's faith in him was slipping.

不用说,这种直率使得一心想让业务回归从前状态的金融业倍感愤怒。Needless to say, such candour brought howls of angry indignation from an industry bent on getting back to business as usual.

艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour.

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但毫无疑问,无论关起门来双方的交流多么坦诚,说教将不再会是单向的了。But there can be little doubt that whatever candour is exchanged behind closed doors, the flow of preachiness will be at least two-way.

他自称性格内向——这恰恰适合靠文本通讯谋生的公司——并且珍视效率和坦诚。A self-professed introvert, which is fitting for a company that sells itself on textual communication, he values efficiency and candour.

真正的好心,必须对于自己工作的缺点错误有完全诚意的自我批评,决心改正这些缺点错误。A person with truly good intentions must criticize the shortcomings and mistakes in his own work with the utmost candour and resolve to correct them.

无论是认为她从前那次结合具有某种道德的效力的宗教观点,还是她想坦白过去的诚心愿望,都再也抵挡不住了。Neither a religious sense of a certain moral validity in the previous union nor a conscientious wish for candour could hold out against it much longer.