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另一个跆跟练习者用拳头打入泥墙中。Another Taekkyon practicer had his fist pierce through the clay-wall.

其次,教育理论帮助教育实践者进行反思。Sencondly, educational theory is able to help educational practicer reflect.

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首先,教育理论给教育实践者以启发。First of all, educational practicer gain elicitation from educational theory.

如果我们不从困惑中解脱出来,那么我们这一世的修行,就很难得到善始善终的结果。Because one not believing in the cause and effect cannot be counted as a practicer.

事实上,曼声音响就是彻头彻尾“以人为本”理念的践行者。As it should be, Audio Munson is an out-and-out practicer of Concept of People-Oriented.

用关节位置感测定方法对不同水平练习者进行了感觉测量和分析。Using joint location sense measuring technique to measure and analyze different level Taiji boxing practicer.

踏板操作为有氧健美操的一种,要求练习者在供氧充足的状态下进行长时间的、中低强度的运动。Step aerobics, a kind of aerobics, requires practicer to have medium and low-intensity exercise lasting a long time.

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民族平等是列宁民族法思惟的精髓,同时他也是这一理论实践者。Ethnic equality is the thinking essence of Lenin national law, At the same time, he is also a practicer of this theory.

穆青是我国社会主义新闻学的重要代表人物,也是该理念的成功实践者。Muqing is a cross- sectional person of socialistic journalism in China and a successful practicer in that area as well.

真正的修行人一提起死的念头,什麽事都可以放下,一心修行。To be a real practicer must concentrate on cultivation and anything could be put down when he mentions about the thought of death.

有助于提高教育实践者反思的能力和水平。Educational theory is able to buildup reflection consciousness of educational practicer, and advance reflection ability of educational practicer.

非营利组织是社会正义、道德的维护者与实践者,所以非营利组织被认为是不会做坏事的。Nonprofit organization is the preserver of social justice and morals, bust also the practicer. Nonprofit organization won't be regarded as law-breaker.

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实践者在此过程中,转换了真理的形态,获得了真理的内容,使自身的实践活动成为真理现实存在的形式,并使真理获得验证。During this process, practicer transforms truth forms and obtains truth content to make one's practice activities become existing forms of truth and validated.

现代文化的创生不仅需要学者的努力,更需要践行者和所有国民的共同参与。It is pointed out that transformation from traditional culture to modern culture need to make great efforts by not only scholars but also practicer and all of people.

昆曲的动作绵柔细腻,演唱时需要身姿挺拔,体态婀娜,“练过昆曲的人,走在路上肯定精神奕奕”。With soft and subtle movements as well as towering figure and graceful postures in singing, a Kunqu Opera practicer is sure to have a great spirit walking on the road.

当然,教育理论对教育实践的功能会受到来自实践者自身素质、教育政策及对教育本质认识等因素的影响。Of course, the function of educational theory to educational practicer is infected by the diathesis of practicer, educational policy and the cognition of education essence.

校长作为学校的管理者和领导者,是落实国家教育改革方针的实践者,也是学校教育改革的先行者。As the manager and leader of a school, the principal is not only a practicer to carry out thepolicy of the educational reform, but also a forthgoer of educational reform in school.

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作为管理理论的实践者,能否为企业找到适合于自身实际的绩效管理理论与方法,将决定企业的成败与存亡。As the practicer of management theory, whether can the enterprises find management theory and the method which suits to their own actual practice , will decide the success or failure.

所以无上瑜伽的口诀是“空,不要有自己的动作,童言无忌”。其要求就是要瑜伽行者不要自作聪明的去影响瑜伽的课程。Hence, the pithy formula of utmost yoga is "empty, no your own actions and ignorance as child's babble", which requires a yoga- practicer doesn't think himself clever to affect the course of yoga.