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我可以带你去我的密室里。I can take you to my hideaway.

匪徒们逃到了一个偏远的山间藏身。The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway.

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我们会阻止他们以隐秘的方式逃脱星球。We will prevent them from escaping to an off-planet hideaway.

第三幕卡门及贺塞在走私贩子山区内的藏身之处激烈争吵。Act III Carmen and José quarrel in the smugglers' mountain hideaway.

试想原始水域,世外桃源的海滩,豪华水疗设施和住宿。Imagine pristine waters, hideaway beaches, luxury spa amenities and accommodations.

位于铜锣湾的心脏地带,是闹市中偷閒的最好去处。Located in the center of Causeway Bay, it is the most convenient hideaway from this hectic city.

现在,他们至少每月一次关闭计算机和手机,离家度假。Now they're getting away to their computer-free, cell-phone-free hideaway at least once a month.

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游戏开始后,他们便会迅速地行动,在基地附近找寻隐藏处潜伏起来。After the game starts, they rapidly will then move, will pursue the hideaway ambush nearby the base to get up.

但是提到终极的隐蔽和无拘无束的放纵的话,可以考虑远航到名人所拥有的隐匿处。But for the ultimate in seclusion and no-holds-barred indulgence, consider sailing to a hideaway owned by a celebrity.

他们曾当着侍从的面吵架,卡米拉有时还会一人跑回乡下老家。The couple is said to argue in front of aides and Camilla sometimes prefers to spend time alone at her country hideaway.

看来今天这只白灵熊喜欢吃独食,它叼着鱼径直跑上山坡,把它藏到隐蔽处。This bear prefers to dine privately. It turns with the salmon in its teeth and runs straight uphill to some unseen hideaway.

隐藏式接线面板为用户提供了一个紧凑、美观的桌面信号连接解决方案。The hideaway type wiring kneading board has compact provided for theuser compact, the artistic tabletop signal connection solution.

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托马斯爵士向往的斯帕是比利时的一个小镇,实际上有点像隐居地,因为几乎没人曾经听说过。The Spa for which Sir Thomas hankered was in a little town in Belgium, a sort of hideaway really because almost no one had heard of it.

前往卡西斯的游客较少,但自上世纪50年代以来,吸引了不少富有的欧洲人前去度假。Cassis is still certainly less travelled by many tourists, but since the early 1950s it has become something of a hideaway for wealthy Europeans.

这个袖珍沙滩依偎着安东尼奥港,有悬崖庇护,是J·P·摩根和威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特这类杰出人物最喜欢的世外桃源。Nestled in Port Antonio, the cliff-sheltered, vest-pocket beach was a favorite hideaway for luminaries such as J.P. Morgan and William Randolph Hearst.

本文讨论的是应用信息隐藏技术的理论,在声音文件中添加数字水印的技术。This article discusses is the application information hideaway technology theory, increases the digital watermark in the sound document the technology.

这两个设计结果表明,呼吁看作听到业主提供从日常世界在他们自己的后院有效隐蔽。The results of both designs were as appealing to see as hear, offering their owners an effective hideaway from the everyday world in their own backyards.

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透过纷繁热闹的娱乐化的表面现象,隐藏其后的深刻的社会根源是我们最终追寻的目标。Penetrates the complex lively entertainment superficial phenomenon, the hideaway after that profound society root is the goal which we finally track down.

假如舱房是我在海上的藏身之处,那么南极,至少我能探索到的几个海峡和海湾,是逃避日常生活的最后避难所。If my cabin was a secret hideaway while at sea, then Antarctica, at least the few channels and bays I was able to explore, was the ultimate refuge from the everyday.

圣托里尼岛上的圣安东尼奥城堡是一个浪漫动人的避世之所,它内部的极致美景把我们的生活方式文化引入了一个全新的时代——豪华洞窟时代。Introducing a new era in lifestyle culture, cave luxury, San Antonio in Santorini is a breathtakingly romantic hideaway with stunning vistas for the eyes of its guests only.