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赛璐珞是极易着火的。Celluloid is highly combustible.

那么,可燃冰是怎么来的呢?So, combustible ice is how come from?

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我们切不可带易燃物上车。We must not take combustible goods aboard.

可分为、可燃型、阻燃型两类。Can is divided into, combustible type, a two.

在火花能喷射到的地方禁止放置易燃物品。Do not place combustible material within fire spark range.

这种在火柴头中的强力氧化剂极其易燃。This strong oxidizer in the match head is highly combustible.

第一行程把可燃混合气吸进气缸。The first stroke draws the combustible mixture into the cylinder.

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这给可燃冰的开采带来了很大的困难。This gives the exploitation of combustible ice is a big difficulty.

在可燃成份中,木粉是特别重要的。Woodmeal is of particular importance among combustible ingredients.

利用水泥回转窑消纳处理可燃废弃物。Disposal of combustible waste materials by using cement rotary kiln.

携带易燃品上飞机是违法的。It is against the law to take combustible material onto an airplane.

汽油是易燃品,你不可携带汽油上船。You cannot carry this tank of petrol on board, for it's combustible.

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该矿的产品为优质动力煤和油母页岩富矿。The mine produces classic power coal and rich ore of combustible shale.

热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体。Formation of combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.

请勿在靠近发热材料或者易燃物品的场所使用存储卡。Do not use memory card close to heat-generating or combustible materials.

危险及易燃品是否储存在安全及通风的地方?Are hazardous & combustible material stored securely in well ventilated areas?

可燃冰的另外一个好处是,它是清洁的化石能源来源。Another advantage of combustible ice is that it is clean fossil energy sources.

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窗户可以让幅射热穿越并点燃室内的可燃物质。Windows allow radiated heat to pass through and ignite combustible materials inside.

不要把易燃爆的东西带到有明火的公众场合。Don't take combustible and explosive goods to public places where there are naked flames.

它也可能发射足够高的能量点燃可燃物。It might also be possible to transmit high enough energy to ignite combustible materials.