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这样一整个平行宇宙体系被称为多重宇宙。An entire set of parallel universes is called a multiverse.

在这个多元宇宙理论里,你假设在中间有一个静止的宇宙。In this multiverse theory, you have a static universe in the middle.

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使用虚基类的多重继承层次比没有虚继承的引起更少的二义性问题。The Level II multiverse is far more diverse than the Level I multiverse.

另外,博客家们想到了多元宇宙其他恼人的道德问题。Still, bloggers have found other upsetting moral aspects of multiverse thinking.

如果一种或几种多重宇宙假说是正确的,那么就很有可能。If one or more of the multiverse hypotheses is correct, then quite possibly they do.

对多重宇宙假说的一种批评是它们总是难以被证实。One criticism of multiverse hypotheses is that they are frequently difficult to test.

虽然多重宇宙不可计算的大,但它有极限。它不可能无限大的增长。However incalculably large the multiverse , it has limits. It cannot grow infinitely large.

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所以,多元宇宙理论的一部分是我们自己身处的宇宙最终将变成空的、静止的宇宙。So, one part of the multiverse theory is that eventually our own universe will become empty and static.

由此更进一步说,生命在多元宇宙中也是普遍存在的吗?这一问题既没有答案,也有无穷多个答案。Taking this one step further, is life also ubiquitous in the multiverse? There are both zero and infinite answers to that question.

这样的一个可以用作实验的“多元的”虚拟网络的出现,终于可以使的启动互联网的进化变得可能。With a "multiverse" of virtual networks available for experiment, it should at last be possible to kick-start the evolution of the internet.

因此结论是我们的宇宙中测到的基本常量与多元宇宙中测到的常量可能不同。So the upshot is that the fundamental constants we measure in our universe are likely to differ from the constants measured in the multiverse.

多重宇宙存在的可能性,来自于膨胀理论,即我们的世界产生于一次宇宙大爆炸后的短时扩张。The possibility of a multiverse comes from inflation theory, the idea that our universe went through a rapid expansion shortly after the big bang.

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这就可以理解为什么这么多世界参加到协调和同步仪式中,例如迷宫欲动和多重宇宙的奥林匹克运动。This, understandably, is why so many worlds take part in co-ordinating and synchronising rites – such as the labyrinth and the Multiverse Olympiad.

这大概是影片同多元宇宙联系的唯一部分,至少是博客圈密切关注的部分。And therein lies what might be the only part of the film relevant to the multiverse theory, at least as naval-gazing in the blogosphere is concerned.

有的多重宇宙假说可能因此而耐人寻味,但也没有确切的证伪,故而无法预言其科学价值。Some multiverse hypotheses may therefore be great fun to think about but not practically falsifiable and therefore have no predictive scientific value.

如果你对用数学描述宇宙物理本质的研究足够深刻,你一定会对多元宇宙的存在持有自己的观点。"You almost can't avoid having some version of the multiverse in your studies if you push deeply enough in the mathematical descriptions of the physical universe, " he says.

在许多世界的伟大计划,个人平行体成为多重宇宙的一个无穷小的部分。个人协调可能无法拯救世界。In the great plan of the many worlds, the parallel selves of one person becomes an infinitesimally small part of the multiverse . A personal co-ordination cannot save the world from change.

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随着职业等级的提升热心者能获得新的心灵职责,代表着她对相互关联性质的认识日益加深,对核心真理的理解日益提高,对多元宇宙如何运作逐步了解。An ardent gains access to new mantles as she gains levels, representing her growing awareness of the interconnected nature of core truths and a growing understanding of how the multiverse works.

如果觉得第一层的多重宇宙太大而难以消化,那不妨试著想像一个由无穷多个第一层多重宇宙所形成的集合吧!其中也许各有各的时空维度,以及各自的物理常数。IF THE LEVEL I MULTIVERSE was hard to stomach, try imagining an infinite set of distinct Level I multiverses, some perhaps with different spacetime dimensionality and different physical constants.