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没有闷热的隔间。No stuffy cubicles here.

还有闷热室。There are also stuffy rooms.

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感冒鼻子不透气怎么办?Is cold nose stuffy how to do?

我老流眼泪而且鼻子不透气。I have runny eyes and a stuffy nose.

哦,当然可以,这里头空气不大好。Oh, Sure. It is very stuffy in here.

对有些人来说,这里可能会有点闷。It’s a little bit stuffy for some people.

流汗!讨厌很热或很闷的地方!Sweating! Hence I hate hot or stuffy places!

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非药物!减缓鼻干鼻塞!Non-Medicated Relief for Dry or Stuffy Noses.

因为鼻塞,我今天讲话都有鼻音。My nosy is stuffy so I sound all nasally today.

火车车厢很快就变得拥挤、闷热。Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy.

这家公司从椰棕床垫价格不曾刻板而无趣。One thing this company has never been is stuffy.

汀娜醒来觉得喉咙痛和鼻塞。Tina woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose.

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那时正值九月,书店里又热又闷。This was September. The bookstore, hot and stuffy.

屋里太闷,憋得人透不过气来。The room was so stuffy that one could hardly breathe.

为什么我们公司都是一些古板的外年人?How come everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy?

黎渊窝在她怀里闷闷的应了。The lair of Li Yuan is very stuffy in her brisket ought.

一起飘过来的,还有繁忙的港口味道,拥挤的城市味道。Comes a smell of busy port. Comes a smell of stuffy city.

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鼻子不通,嗓子疼得厉害,头也疼。I have a stuffy nose, a bad sore throat and headaches too.

在这闷热的房间里,她用报纸搧风。She fanned herself with a newspaper in the hot, stuffy room.

这儿真闷,开开门放进些新鲜空气。It's so stuffy here. Open the door and let in some fresh air.