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戈隆面具是塞尔达系列的传统特色The Goron mask is a recurring feature in Zelda

林克和塞尔达有一个在展台隆重的存在。Lynk and Zelda had an grand presence at the booth.

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林克也许是主角,但是整个游戏是以塞尔达命名的。Link may be the hero, but the game is named after Zelda.

我妈妈充当了泽尔达和她妈妈之间的调解人。My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom.

马德琳使得卓尔达相信,她是一个了不起的女人。Madeleine had convinced Zelda that she too was exceptional.

在制作塞尔达游戏的时候,有两点是我们一直努力追求的。There are two things that we strive for when creating a Zelda game.

司各特非常爱恋姗尔达,他非常妒忌她。Scott was very much in love with Zelda and he was very jealous of her.

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泽尔达告诉我他们坐着不动被画时,斯考特老是把干草叉弄掉。All through their sittings, Zelda told me, Scott kept dropping the pitchfork.

塞尔达传说系列被证实为有史以来最好的系列游戏之一。The Legend of Zelda has proven to be one of the greatest franchises of all time.

这款鞋子的多数图案都是老的电子游戏,比如俄罗斯方块,吃豆子,超级玛丽和塞尔达。Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris, Pacman, Mario and Zelda.

然而任天堂还是让塞尔达以富有的、名声显著的小天使的全新形象示人。Yet Nintendo's magic has reinvented "Zelda" as angel child of the rich and famous.

你认为就游玩性而言,对于塞尔达来说是视觉还是风格更为重要?Where do you think it fits with the Zelda library in terms of gameplay, visuals and style?

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姗尔达妒忌司各特的作品,随着我们跟他们熟识,我们看出,这种情况形成了一种经常不变的模式。Zelda was jealous of Scott's work and as we got to know them, this fell into a regular pattern.

玩家总是要控制林克,从各种恶魔手中解救塞尔达公主。Players are often given the task of using Link to rescue the Princess Zelda from the clutches of evil.

他记得里维埃拉就是这个样子,当时他和姗尔达第一次发现它时,还没有人在夏天去那里避暑呢。He remembered it as it was when he and Zelda had first found it before people went there for the summer.

我想从视觉的角度出发,它更接近于早期的塞尔达系列。I think that from a visual standpoint, it's probably something that's closer to some of the older Zelda games.

在去年的E3上,岩田聪说马里奥和塞尔达的制作团队都在努力开发新作。At last year's E3, Satoru Iwata revealed that both the Mario and Zelda teams were working hard on new projects.

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在2002年塞尔达是游戏代理商最喜欢的游戏之一,有大把的粉丝想要类似的,只是制作得更好的游戏。In 2002 Zelda was one of the most loved franchises in gaming, with fans just wanting more of the same, only bigger.

你操作的是海拉尔大地的一名少年,在一个暴风雨之夜接到赛尔达公主的紧急信息而觉醒过来。You play as a young boy in the land of Hyrule, who is awakened one stormy night by an urgent message from Princess Zelda.

一对从纽约市退休的夫妇,艾比和塞尔达现居博卡拉顿佛罗里达,正准备出去吃晚饭。A retired couple from New York City, Abie and Zelda now living in Boca Raton, Florida, were getting ready to go out to dinner.