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精实保全,谁在处理?Excelsior Securities, who's handling that?

精益求精,我相信我能把衣服做好。Excelsior , I believe I can have made the clothing.

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精雕细琢的工艺是金诺卡迪晾衣架的显著特征。Excelsior craft is the characteristic of KINOCADI products.

这张照片显示他准备在那一天去,在怡东酒店三使命。This photo shows him ready to go on that date, in the Excelsior III mission.

随后我来到怡东酒店,向两三百名我的支持者们宣布我的决定。Then I went to the Excelsior to make my announcement to a few hundred supporters.

它大约24厘米高,两个眼睛是彩色玻璃装满怡东。It is about 24 inches tall, has two color glass eyes and is stuffed with excelsior.

密尼是埃克斯塞尔市公共事业部的一个维修工长。J. S. Minion was a maintenance foreman in the Public Works department of Excelsior City.

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爱克赛希尔大酒店柏迪拜是钻迪拜的历史和商业区的豪华酒店。Grand Excelsior Hotel Bur Dubai is a luxury hotel in Bur Dubai's historic and commercial district.

这些附加功能的逐渐增多,更要求卧室设计要精益求精。Of these add functions gradually grow in quantity, more requirement bedroom design wants excelsior.

其他值得注意的变化之一就是高水平的“智能”编译。One of the other notable changes made was level 0 "Smart" compilation. To quote the Excelsior website

他在旧金山从伊克萨斯奥号下船时携带了价值达十三万美元的黄金。He came off the ship Excelsior in San Francisco with one hundred thirty thousand dollars worth of gold.

本公司要求这批物品都要包上瓦楞纸,并装入有细刨花的木箱内。We require these articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden cases with excelsior.

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对于第三怡东使命,基廷格上升至102,800英尺的高度,即19.5英里的高空海平面。For the Excelsior III mission, Kittinger rose to an altitude of 102,800 feet, or 19.5 miles above sea level.

EXCELSIOR全自动脱水机在病理科的日常工作中可根据工作需要来设定用户自定义程序。The EXCELSIOR automatic dehydration machine in pathology department may need to set user-defined procedures in the day-to-day work.

以优异的设计、精益求精的质量及品牌营销逐步成为国内外知名企业。It is now becoming an international and national famous enterprise with its outstanding design, excelsior quality and brand marketing.

否则,天然纤维如黄麻网和精益求精的铺垫将有助于植物就陡峭的山坡上举行,减缓水流。Otherwise, natural fibers like jute netting and excelsior matting will help plants take hold on steep slopes, slowing the flow of water.

装修,真是要一点一滴都本着精益求精的精神,才能够达到“彩虹尽头和冷酷仙境”的境界啊。Decorate, it is to want every little bit to act on excelsior spirit really, ability is achieved quite " rainbow end and callous elfland " state ah.

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本着平等互利的原则,精益求精的质量理念,高效率,重信誉,我公司将竭诚为您提供最热诚最优质的服务。Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits, excelsior quality philosophy, we will try every effort to serve you with high efficiency and fine reputation.

目前,15个试点项目的装修方案相继出台,瑞虹新城、怡东花园、奥林匹克花园等楼盘已经或即将接受住户的预订。Currently, 15 pilot projects renovation programme unveiled, Ruihong Metro, Excelsior Gardens, Olympic Gardens property has been or is about to accept tenants booking.

每次参与高空跳落的人员都会先乘坐热气球上升至数万英尺的上空,跳下后经自由落体和降落伞跳到新墨西哥的沙漠上。Each time involved riding high-altitude Excelsior balloons up tens of thousands of feet, before jumping, free falling and parachuting to the desert floor in New Mexico.