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我会终止这份企划案。I'll halt the project.

汽车打滑一段后停了下来。The car skidded to a halt.

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在去年卓西姆来停顿下来。At last Zosimus came to a halt.

一辆绅宝轿车在他旁边停下了。Saab drew to a halt beside him.

一辆绅宝轿车在他旁边停下了。A Saab drew to a halt beside him.

他设法使活动停止。He manages to halt the activities.

哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站住”。The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

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我们应该立即停止政策。We should halt the policy immediately.

人民币升值的步伐不会停顿下来。Yuan appreciation won't grind to a halt.

他不理睬哨兵喝令止步的盘问。He ignored the sentry's challenge to halt.

大雪使得交通陷入停滞。Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt.

房价过高地区可以暂停发放第三套住房贷款。Banks may halt lending to third-home buyers.

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小矿车在稍停一个半小时后返回。The train comes to a halt half an hour later.

艾迪德的释放他们的运动,以阻止援助。Aideed's unleashed their campaign to halt aid.

最多就是犯罪中止呗。At most the verdict may be the halt of crimes.

汽车停住时发出刺耳的刹车声。The car screeched to a halt with grinding brakes.

停住时发出刺耳的刹车声。The car screeched to a halt with grinding brakes.

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以一份她脸上悲哀的惊疑止住雨水!Will halt the rain with a sad wonder on her face!

我们的第一站是在鲍尔普尔呆了几天。Our first halt was to be for a few days at Bolpur.

立正和稍息的口令只有一个字。The commands Attention and Halt are only one word.