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但是美人鱼却摇了摇头。But the Mermaid shook her head.

辛巴达与美人鱼公主。Sinbad. and. Mermaid. Princess.

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这次有个棕色的小美人鱼也不错。A brown mermaid would be nice for once.

小人鱼摇了摇头,微笑了一下。The little mermaid smiled, and shook her head.

您以前有参与过涉及小美人鱼的工作吗?Why were you selected to move the Little Mermaid?

最后,这是人鱼公主的15岁生日。Finally, it was the mermaid princess 15th birthday.

只有我和那些鱼,伙计。如果有美人鱼出现,我会给你打电话的。Just me and fishes, man. If mermaid pops up, I will call you.

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酒店泳池边,见到美人鱼同距既朋友仔。By the pool in the resort, the Little Mermaid and her friends.

很快我就会拥有那条小人鱼,海洋就是我的了!Soon I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine!

“美人鱼”是安徒生比较感人的童话故事之一。The Little Mermaid is one of Anderson's more moving fairytales.

在新婚之夜,美人鱼公主正想用刀子刺睡觉王子。At night, the mermaid princess older sisters came up to the sea.

知道她是真正的小美人鱼后,没有人敢买她的。No one would buy her knowing that it was the real Little Mermaid.

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小美人鱼很爱王子,不过她的脚却很疼痛。The little mermaid loved the prince, but her feet hurt very much.

当王子打开他的眼睛时,从他把藏人鱼公主。When the prince opened his eyes, the mermaid princess hid from him.

易碎的心如人鱼吐得泡沫,只是一场短暂的梦而已。Fragile heart, such as Mermaid Tude bubble, only a short-lived dream.

美人鱼是安徒生写的一个古老童话。Little Mermaid is an old fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen.

除此之外魔女也希望人鱼能把她美妙的声音送给她。Mermaid addition Witch can also hope that she gave her beautiful voice.

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更多信息请访问科尼岛美人鱼大游行的官方网站。For more information, check out the Coney Island Mermaid Parade website.

我认为事实不太可能像坦蒂和妈妈说的那样。I mean it wasn't like I ever hear Tantie or Mama say they saw a mermaid.

“爱比财富更好,”他说道,“况且小人鱼爱我。”Love is better than Riches, ' he cried, `and the little Mermaid loves me.