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猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

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她感到有雨点落在她仰着的脸上。She felt drops of rain on her, upturned 'face.

这场暴力革命使整个国家天翻地覆。The violent revolution upturned the whole country.

杰米爬上一个倒扣着的桶大声唱到Jaimie climbed on an upturned bucket and sang loudly

他指向耕地翻掘出的犁沟。He pointed to the upturned furrows of a ploughed field.

进来一个男人,他的脸半藏在翻起来的大衣领子里。A man came in , his face hidden by an upturned coat collar.

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我类似我的母亲,因此它是一点一个朝天鼻。I resemble my mother so it's a little bit of an upturned nose.

他醒了好几次,感觉到雨落在他仰着的脸上。He awakened many times to feel it falling on his upturned face.

巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那么多的面孔朝他翻转过来。From the corner of his eye Barney saw the sea of faces upturned toward him.

看起来设计者是把木箱子翻过来当咖啡桌使用。Instead of coffee tables, designers seem to have used upturned wooden boxes.

他们的餐桌是包装箱板和上翘,他们的眼镜锡杯。Their tables were boards and upturned packing cases, their glasses tin mugs.

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他们的靴子是驯鹿皮革制成的,而朝上翘的鞋掌被设计来钩住雪橇。The upturned tips of their reindeer-hide boots were designed to hook into skis.

乡里的木匠在大树下修着翻倒的小艇。The village carpenter is repairing an upturned dinghy under a big aswatha tree.

我把手推车向上掀起来,粪便就顺势哗啦啦地滑了下去。The shit slides out of the barrow when it's upturned with a slurping dead weight.

它向上弯的吻部可以完美地接住任何不幸落入水中的昆虫。Its upturned mouth is perfect to snatch any hapless insect might falling into the water.

从地下通道上来,看到富兰克林街拐角处一辆热狗车倒扣在那里。Emerging from the subway to see an upturned hot-dog cart on the corner of Franklin Street.

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桥两边立有木制栏杆,顶上覆有飞檐,就如一条窄窄的过道一般。It has wooden bars on the two sides and upturned eaves above, just like a narrow corridor.

因此他颠覆了艺术世界固有的模式,通过苏富比拍卖公司直接销售自己的作品。He upturned the art world by selling his work directly through Sotheby's, an auction house.

这次别样的浪漫之旅,彻底颠覆了许玉萌的人生,令她生不如死。This differential romantic trip completely upturned xu's life, leaving her painful to death.